...I can't come up with a decent title

Mar 22, 2009 01:16

I had plans to post following my finals, Wednesday night or Thursday morning/afternoon, depending on writer's cramp. First a "Whatever happened to Orlando?" post was planned. Then a "bitching about finals post." Then a "An illustration of the powers of Mark Helprin" post*. Then a "The best things about being home for spring break" post. Then...you get the idea. Clearly, none of these happened.

So yeah. How are all of you?

Also, rp meme because babilu tagged me and, let's face it, I never miss a chance to ramble about Bourne.

01. Do you like this character?
Yes. I think Carina Chocano was accurate when she called Bourne "the humblest and most relatable existentialist government-made killing machine ever devised" in her review of The Bourne Ultimatum.

Though actually, he's one of the few characters I've apped who's not my favorite from the series. My favorite's Pam. But I really do find Bourne very relatable, somehow. And I admire the man a lot. He has this amazing ability to accept and deal with terrible things, and move forward. I've actually come to admire him more through playing him, it's made me realize the depth of that ability.

02. What name(s) do you call this character?
Usually Bourne. Increasingly David. And in some cases, Jason or Webb. Jason's really more in context of the first two movies. Webb's if I'm feeling close to Pam muse at the time.

03. What image/color do you associate with this character?
Colors, blue, black, gray, white, and the orange of that sweater from the first parts of Identity. Images, abandoned office buildings, rooftops, cityscapes, run-down hotels, car chases, files.

04. What image/song do you associate with character?
...I have made two fsts for this character. Okay, the biggest ones are Moby's "Extreme Ways," anything from the soundtracks, the Fray's "Hundred," the Beatles' "Think For Yourself," A Perfect Circle's "The Noose," and...Coldplay's "Viva la Vida." (shut up)

05. What blood-type do you think this character is?
I have no idea how that whole thing works.

06. Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to pair this character with?
MARIE. It's canon, people.
He and Marie were so sweet. She supported and challenged him in just the right ways. He really loved her.

...That said, I would be willing to read post-Ultimatum Bourne/Landy fic. But it'd be really hard to pull off without them becoming ooc.

07. What would you want to say to this character?

08. What do you want to do with this character?
Take self-defense courses. Maybe some small part of those mad skills could brush off onto me.
Also, I'd love any tips on learning languages that he has.

09. Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character.
...I'm just going to imitate seireiishtar and say that if you ask, you shall receive.

In other news, I'm going to see Duplicity tomorrow (...er, today). I am so excited~

*You will probably get multiple variations on that theme in the future. You have been warned.

meme, rp, random, life

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