Association Meme

Feb 15, 2009 23:00

Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

These were the things pretzelcoatl came up with!

1. Roleplaying

When I was in grade, middle, and early high school, I was pretty devoted to acting. To the extent that I took classes every Saturday at the local college's prep department. In my junior year of high school I ended up stopping the classes. And halfway (or more) into that year, I started roleplaying in a forum run by the awesome psi_yamaneko. With that group I ended up more involved on livejournal, and then got into dramadramaduck...

It's an acting substitute, really. But I enjoy it about as much as stage acting! And it offers all sorts of interesting opportunities. ...Like playing a amnesiac ex-assassin in his mid-thirties, something I don't think I could physically pull off.

It has eaten my life to a certain extent, I'm somewhat obsessive by nature. But rp has, sad as it may be, helped me open up in ways that have actually carried over somewhat into real life.
It's also made it rather more difficult for me to be as much of a prude as I used to be.

2. Grammar

Definitely the most surprising thing on this list! I do try to always speak properly, which extends even to often proofreading messages I send on AIM (the time every two months or so when I'm on it, that is). But my skill with English grammar is actually usually me going with what sounds right. I can better explain Chinese or Russian grammar than English. Even though I really don't know those first two well at all (yet).


I actually do remember when I picked up Sabriel and decided to buy it as well as I remember anything that happened yesterday. I have memories surrounding reading it the first time. And the third or so. And the eighth or so. Sabriel was an extremely formative experience for me. For a demonstration of its influence on my life, at that time my father was fond of playing DOOM. And I nicknamed all the monsters in it after forms of the dead found in Sabriel (mind you, that became difficult, but I tried). It's still one of the books I value most.

As far as Lirael and Abhorsen go, I do really like how he further opened up and wrote more detail into the world. But I never connected to the second two books nearly as much. They needed more Sabriel and Mogget. The villain wasn't as good. (I was also rather disappointed that he didn't actually cover the remaking of the Great Charter.) It's not that I don't like the second two, it's just that for me they pale in comparison to the first.

For the record, I actually don't consider it to be Nix's best work at this point. That's The Keys to the Kingdom. But Sabriel has been a hugely important part of my life.

...I still have the marvelous Sabriel costume mom made me for Halloween in fifth grade. In fact, I'm hoping for an excuse to use it, because I discovered over winter break...that it fits again.

4. Law & Order

First, Jack McCoy is one of my great fictional heroes. He's up there with Pam Landy.

Law & Order is reliable. I don't watch it regularly, but I do when I get a chance. And I'm pretty much sure to like it! It may not be the best show most of the time, but it delivers, and it does do some very nice stuff. It's also great background noise, which is the main thing I use t.v. for.

On the subject of the divisions in the franchise, I actually like the original the most. There are two main reasons for this, the crimes (ripped from the headlines!) and Jack McCoy. That said, Special Victims Unit allows for some great performances, Meloni and especially Hartigay are amazing. But I can find S.V.U. really hard to watch if there's much of Munch in it, because...he's just not himself. The Law & Order format is not as good to him as Homicide. In regards to Criminal Intent, it can be pretty over the top, but I usually don't mind it, and can enjoy having it on.

5. Making me want to read books I haven't read even though I have a really big list dammit

This flatters me so much. ;_; I love books, and I love it when other people love books, and I love it even more when they love books I love. When they don't know books I love...I ramble on excessively until they shut me up or look at the book(s).

On that note, everybody should read- *is shot*

So, comment away!

Also, I feel it's only fair to warn you I've ended up on a serious Michael Clayton kick and will be making a post about that soon.

meme, sabriel etc., rp, books, garth nix, law & order, t.v.

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