I leave you with kobolds

Jan 30, 2009 14:07

Going to be off to Ohayocon in an hour or two, followed by large amounts of reading for homework/rereading for midterm. I probably won't be back until Tuesday at the earliest. So you know if I'm not replying to you or something. Not that I don't disappear onto my rp journals for long periods of time anyway. >.< I'm trying to work on that.

But first, I just want to share this part of the Grimms' German Legends that I imagine will be of interest to anyone who's read Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

"Some believe that Cobolds [this is the first I've seen it spelled with C instead of K] are, in essence, human, much like children in form, and that they wear colorful cloaks. Others contend that some Cobolds have knives stuck in their backs, and that the same are misshapen due to the weapon that killed them in their former human existence. These people consider Cobolds to be the souls of people who were murdered in the house years before.

Sometimes the maidservant is curious to see her Kurd Chimgen or Heinzchen, however the Cobold is called. If she is persistent, the spirit will finally name the site where she will be able to see him. However, he also instructs her to bring a bucket of cold water with her. It invariably happens that she sees him lying naked on a pillow on the floor with a butcher knife stuck in his back. Most of the time she becomes so frightened by this sight that she faints. Thereupon, the Cobold jumps up and dumps the bucket of cold water over her so she comes to again. Afterward, the maidservant looses all desire ever to see the Cobold again."

compulsive apology, folklore, school, books

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