I want to have the same last dream again

Jan 14, 2009 19:44

Bear with me as I share two special aspects of my day, which are special in very different ways. Or ignore me.

Okay, so for about a week, among other stresses, I've been panicking about applying for a summer internship with NPR (I'm applying for multiple positions, the better to actually get one). Panic over references, cover letters, time, ect. So today I was on the site checking some things, among which was the date the application would have to be posted by. Which made me go "The fifteenth? I thought I'd have Friday as a backup...wait. Is that a 'Feb' in front of that fifteen?"
I am a triumph of observational skills, clearly. It is such a shame that the deadline for an internship with the CIA was so early that I missed it, I'm sure I would just wow them. *headdesk*

On the bright side, this fail means I've got time to make my cover letters much better and maybe figure out a way or two to brighten my resume a bit, while still getting the things in early. ...It also means I might have time tonight to indulge in my terrible desire to re-watch The Bourne Supremacy (I blame ddd_prompts, alright?).

On the very bright side- snow! I love snow. I don't care what anyone else says, I adore snow and suspect I always will. I love watching it. I love the way it softens sound. I love the sound it makes when you walk on it. I love when big flakes land on warm skin and tickle as they melt. Even when it's not the best kind of snow, the kind you can pack together, I love it. Powdery snow sparkles, when you're close enough to a light when you're watching it fall, or when it's lying on the ground. I spent twice as much time as usual coming back from ballet not mainly because of difficulty going, but because I kept stopping to stare. Especially around Mirror Lake. They keep Christmas lights up there all winter quarter, and with the snow on all the trees and everything it was gorgeous. There was a small part of the lake that somehow hadn't frozen over yet, and all the ducks were clustered around it. On the frozen part you could see the tracks across the snow that the ducks had made getting to unfrozen bit. I want to go up there and stare at everything again tonight, but my pants still aren't dry from earlier so I probably won't.

...Of course, my love for snow might be a little unhealthy, when the pretty has a way of distracting me from admittedly important things like, "Is my face going numb?"

So those are aspects of my day.

...Also, something that happened yesterday.

So yesterday I was sitting in the common room doing my Russian homework. The door back to my room was slightly open, so I could half make out the music my new roommate was playing. She plays stuff fairly loud, but it's nothing really obnoxious, so I don't mind so far.

And then she started playing "The Adventure," by Angels and Airwaves. I nearly died. I've been carefully avoiding that song for months.

Now all of you are probably going "whut?" with the exception of aubergine_pilot who introduced me to this song and pointed out the virtue that I'm about to discuss.

"The Adventure" is a perfect song for Orlando Gardiner. As in, it couldn't be more perfect if it was written specifically for him. In fact, I find it hard to believe it wasn't written specifically for him.

I've been avoiding it ever since I made the decision to drop Orlando at DDD. I figured it would make me feel too guilty. But it didn't. It just made me really happy, and reminded me again just how much I love Orlando. I had to drop him, really. I really miss playing him. But it's not as bad as I thought it might be. Orlando's become one of the five...okay, six...fictional characters who are the biggest parts of my life. I'm not going to lose him anytime soon.

...It's probably really pathetic how tied I get to fictional characters. But it's had at least some positive influence, I think. Oh well.

self, lookit that!, otherland, questing for employment, rp, failure, life

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