Urgh, headache. Solution? Memes.
First, taken from
somethingstyx last week. At least I am getting to it?
* reply to this post with the word MEME and I will pick six of your icons.
* make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
* other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
Because I find facepalming a rather common action, and nobody is a better choice to express it than poor Kyon. I got this when I fist started playing him at DDD, and I can't remember if I found it somewhere or made it off a screencap like I did most of his. I err on the side of "someone else probably made it, I hope they can tell me who they are someday."
I love this smile. It feels so wonderfully genuine, a triumph over circumstances and an expression of belief in the future-that's in context, it's also just a lovely grin for whatever purpose I want. And it's a Maka image that straddles the line (for me) between just really nice and really cute. Maka's adorable, but I like seeing her in a somewhat non-adorable light. Did that make sense? I also enjoy the color palate
theburglarcat used here. As I recall, I got this through stalking icon posts at
Made by the lovely
angeldusting~! I just love their expressions, they're so cute and awkwardly sweet. Arashi and Sorata were the first anime/manga couple I really sort of shipped, and I'll always be extremely fond of them. By the way, I like the saturated colors here.
I have at least 3 icons that are variations on this image saved. I chose this one because I like the starkness of the lack of color here, and I didn't quite want readable text. I found this a striking moment in the series, and it says so much about how deeply Maka values Soul. I think it's a good image to draw on when you want to say you're there to support someone. Also obtained through stalking
shibusen icon posts.
As I remember, the second time I saw The Bourne Ultimatum I walked out of the theatre and, among other things, thought that Pam and that fax machine were a kick-ass team. Which led to "haha, Pam/fax machine OTP, my OTP enforces the U.S. Constitution more effectively than your OTP...oh now I need an icon of that." So, sad as it is to say, pretty much the first thing I did when I bought Ultimatum on dvd was go to that scene, get a screencap, and make that icon. I love it. This icon doesn't just demand JUSTICE, it seeks to enforce it.
I just find this a useful icon. Very appropriate for tl;dr-ing, especially on the subject of books. I also quite like the little animation. And it's Fakir. A very strong writer to emulate, haha. It's also appropriate for serious subjects in general, and I used it for artistic stuff when I had less icon space. Taken from
serika_san, who does a great deal of the best stuff in the Princess Tutu fandom, both icon and fanart wise.
Second, that Greek mythology one going around.
Your result for The Greek Mythology Personality Test...
0% Extroversion, 67% Intuition, 28% Emotiveness, 5% Perceptiveness
You are most like Prometheus, and you probably knew that before you even took this test. You probably aren't deliberately altruistic, but you still tend to do things that benefit everyone, even at great expense to your health and personal relationships. You aren't ruled by your emotions, but you still have a strong sense of justice. You make good descisions, but they can sometimes backfire (and this isn't due to a flaw in your reasoning, but due to faulty premises instead).
You are very reasonable, you understand systems, you can quickly pinpoint flaws and you know how to correct them. You pride understanding and knowledge above everything else, and your greatest fear is to appear to be incompetent. You tend to be contemptuous of authority, but you don't accept leadership roles yourself until everyone else has demonstrated their own incompetence.
You've built a very specific skill set. You know exactly where your strengths and weaknesses are, and you pride yourself on this kind of self-knowledge. You distrust tradition, which you see as arbitrary, and you rely instead on your own judgements. You also pride yourself on your pragmatism. You're also a very private person.
Most of all, people think you're arrogant, but screw them! They're the ones who benefit from your ideas and discoveries, and if they took the time to understand why it is that you say and think the things you do, they'd realize that you only appear arrogant because you are exactingly precise when it comes to your area of specification, and most of all because, when you don't know something, you don't have an opinion about it (unlike most of the loudmouths that you have to deal with on a day-to-day basis).
Relationships are your kryptonite. It isn't that you don't want them -- in fact, you would very much like a very close relationship with someone who understands you. They're just the one thing in the world that you're naturally bad at.
Famous people like you: Niels Bohr, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Werner Heisenberg, Issac Newton, John Maynard Keynes, Erwin Schrodinger
Stay Clear of: Apollo, Icarus, Hermes, Aphrodite
Seek out: Atlas, The Oracle, Daedalus
Take The Greek Mythology Personality Test at
HelloQuizzy That is actually pretty damn accurate. Really. Though it's kinda funny to see me lumped in with a bunch of people who were very good at math.
I also just like it because Prometheus is awesome. Especially when your second-favorite Diana Wynne-Jones book is The Homeward Bounders. But I've always loved the guy, what with him giving us fire and all. Hopefully I'll avoid the aeons of torture, though.
In other news...
I own Spy Game. AT LAST, I OWN A WIDESCREEN EDITION DVD OF SPY GAME. I am half-inclined to jump up and down every time I look at it. I love that movie and now it is miiine (for an insanely low price, on sale at Barnes & Noble!). For those of you who did not have my American History AP and Comparative Politics AP teacher and are thus not familiar with Spy Game, it's about Robert Redford's character running rings around the rest of the CIA without ever leaving Langely in order to save the butt of his silly protege, played by Brad Pitt. And it is an immensely fun ride. I intend to watch it tomorrow sometime as a distraction from the inevitable election drama.
A little more personally, I have reached the point where I think "I don't know" in 3 languages nearly simultaneously. This makes me feel more functional than I am.