013; Cities in Dust

Feb 18, 2010 13:01

So my first tutorial here:


First I have to say that my Photoshop is in German (and apparently i can't change the language), i try to translate and remember the English names but it might be that I translate something wrong. Please tell me and don't be too hard on me ;)

1. Step

First I got rid of the CW logo, because it got in way with my cropping. I made that with this
patch tool.
I won't explain that now. If you want me to explain it, i might do it ^^

2. Step

Now the cropping obviously, I chose a center cropping, because i think it suits blair in this situation the best.

3. Step

I duplicated the layer and set it on Screen (opacity: 100%)

4. Step

Now I made a new layer with Color Balance

first row (dark colours)

second row

third row

5. Step

New selective color layer

black -10

black -10

black -5

black +2

6. Step

New curves layer

Input: 137
Output: 121

7. Step

Now I start working with textures. I always use textures on my icons.

(by bea_lost)
set it on Softlight Opacity: 60%

8. Step

I took this texture

(by chaoticfae)
set it on Softlight Opacity: 60%

9. Step

Another texture:

(by bea_lost)
set it on Softlight Opacity: 25%

10. Step

Yet another texture ^^ the last one now:

(by sorry idk)
set on Softlight Opacity: 25%

The End.

original icon:
result of this tutorial:

not exactly the same, but i think i got pretty close again.

All my icons have a similar colouring, i basically always work with colour balance, selective colour & curves and then add textures.

I hope this was kind of helpful, especially to hopesonhold, who requested it.

PLS DO NOT REPOST THIS ANYWHERE OR CLAIM AS YOURS. making a tut is a shitload of work.

!type: tutorial, !maker: wondroushaze

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