stolen from amber

May 03, 2005 01:04

What is your name? Richard
Are you named after anyone? yes
Would you name a child of yours after you? Maybe one of them
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? Annaliese
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? My las tnam eis normally butchered


Straight/Gay/Bi?: straight
Your age: 24
Age you act: I don't know, you decide
Age you wish you were: Whatever age that has me where I wanna be in life
Your height: 6'5"
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: right-handed
Your living arrangement: Home.
Your family: parents, Frank (39)
Have any pets? Yes
Whats your job? Tech support
Piercings? no
Tattoos? no
Obsessions? music, computers, driving
Addictions? sleep
Do you speak another language? not well
Have a favorite quote? Not really

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it:

Do you live in the moment? most of the time
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? yes.
Do you have any secrets? not really
Do you have any bad habits? biting nails
What is the compliment you get most from people? nice eyes, nice voice
What's your biggest fear? needles
Can you sing? yes, but really really high
Are you passive or agressive? agressive
Do you have a journal? yes
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? appearance
Do you think you are emotionally strong? yes
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? no
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Don't trust anyone with things you need to get done
Are you confident? yes
What is the fictional character you are most like? none
Are you perceived wrongly? all the time

Do You...

Smoke? no
Do drugs? no
Read the newspaper? no
Pray? yes
Go to church? no
Talk to strangers who IM you? no one IMs me
Sleep with stuffed animals? no
Take walks in the rain? yes
Talk to people even though you hate them? no
Like to drive fast? yes

Have You Ever:

Been out of the country? no
Eaten something that made other people sick? yes
Been in love? no
Had surgery? no, worse
Played strip poker? yes
Been on stage? Yes
Slept outdoors? yes
Thought about suicide? yes
Pulled an all nighter? yes
If yes, what is your record? 6.5 days
Gone one day without food? yes
Talked on the phone all night? yes
Thought you're going crazy? constantly
Been betrayed? yes
Had a dream that came true? yes I experience chronic deja vu


Belive in life on other planets? yes
Miracles? yes
Astrology? no
God? Yes
Ghosts? yes
Luck? yes
Love at first sight? no


Who is your best friend? none
Who's the one person that knows most about you? Stefanie
Your favourite inside jokes? Man's Theorem, Sitting in the dark, crying to Enyas Orinoco flow
Who's your longest known friend? Mike
Newest? Andy Martin
Most Introverted? Andy Martin
Funniest? Marty and Andy
Sweetest? none
Weirdest? Rebecca
Smartest? Andy and Marty
Last person you talked to online? Margaret
Who do you talk to most online? Nicole
Who's the most outgoing? McIver
Who's the best singer? Colin
Do you always feel understood? Hell no
Who's the loudest friend? McIver
Do you trust others easily? No
Who's house were you last at? my parents

Love and All That:

Do you consider love a mistake? no
Turn-on? pale complexion
Turn-off? clingy, girls who compare you to other guys, lying, stealing, cheaters, those who make you feel like you're just a back-up plan or dish of the moment.
First kiss? Movie theatre, during Water Boy
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out? yes
What's the last present someone gave you? a Geico Gecko bobble head
Do you consider your significant other hot? N/A, I'm single

Right This Moment...

What are you wearing right now? khakis black tee shirt
What are you worried about right now? grad school, people who have suddenly decided to not talk to me
What book are you reading? America the Book by John Stewart
What's on your mousepad? my mouse
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: sleepy, depressed, confused, unliked, alone
Are you bored? no
Are you tired? very


Colour: purple, green
Band: BeeGees
Song: How Deep is your Love
TV show: 24
Movie: A Christmas Story, Napoleon Dynamite, Das Boot, A Bridge Too Far, HUnt for Red October
Book: Phantom Tollbooth
Food: pizza
Scent: none
Animal: fish, duck


Sing the alphabet backwards?: no
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: no
Read music, not just tabs?: yes
Roll your tongue?: yes
Eat a whole pizza?: yes


Fruit/vegetables: fruit
Black/white: black
Lights on/lights off: lights on
Chinese food/mexican food: neither
Summer/winter: winter
Rock/rap: both are dead, useless genres
Ocean/swimming pool: Ocean, since I don't swim I prefer the scenery
Hugs/kisses: yes


What is your favourite genre of music?: classical, disco, 20th century
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: read peoples minds
Have you ever had a picnic?: yes
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?: no, I thought they were retarded, especially when a kid hurt himself with one
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