Title: It’s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 24
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 3394
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: So this chapter starts what I would call the third and final act of this story. There's not much here though. More of a bridge chapter than anything. It can't all be morning sex and angry fights though. I can't tell you
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Awesome chapter!
P.S. What in the hell was Sergio up to (dammit Annie, finish your conversations!)
Thank you so much for reading!
Re:P.S. The Sergio/Camilla/Rich/Pierce thing will become clearer soon, I promise.
If I'm allowed to have a guess, I reckon that Camilla was Pierce's eyes in Italy. She created the party as a test for Jeff to see if he could keep it in his pants and created a diversion when it looked like he couldn't. I reckon Sergio was in on it, Rich found out, wasn't happy as he's a Jeff/Annie shipper and had went to tell Annie what was going on. I could be totally wrong though...
Thanks for giving us this masterpiece!
If you're going to get that close, then you're not allowed to guess, no. ;)
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