Title: It’s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 24
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 3394
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: So this chapter starts what I would call the third and final act of this story. There's not much here though. More of a bridge chapter than anything. It can't all be morning sex and angry fights though. I can't tell you
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Prediction time, I'm going to say plane crash. No, too cruel I blame watching final destination. No, the real prediction is either the cancer is a ruse by peirce or that the surgery goes well and pierce tells jeff and annie he reminds them of his most successful and romantic marriage he had. Ur choice which one, maybe first cuz that would be romantic. No can top the original.
Now my minute by minute reaction. WHY CAN'T YOU KIDS TALK? YOU KNOW U WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. ITS ALL IN UR HESITANT EYES. THE BOTH OF U. TALK RIGHT NOW. I CAN SEE IT UR EYES. THERES MORE TALKING . TALK, TALK U FUCKING SCARED LOVEBIRDS. That was my reaction towards the end, my dad was looking at me weird, and whats worse I'm out of beer.
So, MY EMOTIONS. MY EMOTIONS. I'm ok now, but for the first time I took a long deep breath. I would of been first, but I dont care about I care about your damn good story. Curses, but not really. keep doing what u do well. Writing the best jeff and annie stories out there.
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