Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses Part 15
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 3617
Rating: R (language)
Disclaimer: Don't own any of it.
AN: As always, I am so thankful to all of you. You really are the reason that I'm doing this. We are back to Jeff's POV. Fall into his messed up head now!
Pick up, pick up, pick up! )
See, I think I'm giggling because it's torturous for Jeff, as opposed to being torturous for the readers. That's a tough tightrope to walk and you're doing it very well so far. Jeff deserves a little torture, if not TOO much more. Torturing the readers would be giving us miscommunication after misunderstanding after stupid, stupid fight. One of the reasons I (and probably all of us) love Jeff and Annie is because they actually understand each other really well. For some reason I always think of the picspam that veritas724 did for Investigative Journalism, where Annie pulls Jeff aside and has that weird little line about the army of raisins that Jeff barely even blinks at and totally gets, which Kerry points out could only happen with those two. And so much of what went on between them subtextually in Asian Population Studies? In the hands of lesser writers and lesser characters it would have had to be a lot more explicit and bogged down and, well, torturous for the viewers. But not our guys. Sure, Annie likes to coquet around occasionally, and Jeff could win an award for mind games that would come with a trophy of him doing it to a brain, but when the moment arrives they are both able to cut to the chase in a way that the other one will undoubtedly understand without effort. In this fic right now, the situation between them is in the midst of a major change, so it makes sense that they're having trouble finding their footing. I can be patient.
...but not too patient. :-P
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