Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses Part 15
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 3617
Rating: R (language)
Disclaimer: Don't own any of it.
AN: As always, I am so thankful to all of you. You really are the reason that I'm doing this. We are back to Jeff's POV. Fall into his messed up head now!
Pick up, pick up, pick up! )
Did I do something wrong? Like... I thought we were cool after that crazy bout of being nice to each other. I mean we had good times right? Like the time you made me feel like a moron for having seen only one movie with Jack Lemmon? Remember that? Or that awesome time I broke your brain with that kick ass review? I mean. I thought we were on good ground.
So I mean.. do I need to apologize or something? Cause I just want to know what the hell I did to deserve this chapter?
I mean seriously! Was it too much to hope for that Sergio had died in between chapters in some sort of... gladiator accident? It wasn't enough to have worry about the possibility that Rich might still be in the game. But you have to subject me to the imagery of that dirty guido's hands all over Annie? The Hell...!!! I thought we were friends!
Of course that wasn't enough for you was it? No of course it wasn't. Is it because I called you out on your age? You are the one that challenged me to figure it out! And now all I can do is think of you as a freaky geriatric asian cyclops! You owe me! I don't need that image in my head!
But no! Then you have to write this awesome scene with a nearly topless Annie and Jeff coming on to her and then blow it up with Jeff being an absolute girl! God! Why do you have to be so good at writing stuff!
And the worst part is you've written Jeff so damn spot on that it scares me because of the damn similarites I have with him! I'm not that messed up but seeing Jeff messed up makes me feel messed up! So can you please start writing Jeff being awesome again so I can feel good about myself!? Please!
And let me know what the hell I did so I can apologize for it and you can stop punishing me! Goddammit! I'm going for a walk!
And I can't help it if you feel like a moron while talking to me. But it does feel like a bonus on this end.
Now where was I?
Oh right...
Weirding you out?
Whatever. I'm hilarious.
And I don't think you should really be pointing fingers about being weirded out. You're the one that all but begged for verbal abuse.
And you should really wait for other people to say you're funny.
I'll give you that one. Apparently I have a problem. I'm just pointing out that you asked first.
And you should really wait for other people to say you're funny.
You know what? You're absolutely right. I give you exhibit A:
I could talk about how well you manage to create really legitimately funny moments of dialogue between the characters... -excerpt from comment by elsiesnuffin
Exhibit B:
The way he just assumed Annie would be checking him out really made me giggle. -excerpt from comment by elsiesnuffin
Exhibit C:
And Annie screaming at the helicopter made me chuckle. -excerpt from comm... you know what? I don't think it needs repeating.
So I think I have it on very good authority that I'm funny. ;)
Seriously, you're the worst. And I have terrible taste and even worse memory apparently. I wouldn't trust me.
And you can't have terrible taste. It's not like you're alone in thinking I'm funny. Most people do.
(okay seriously, that last bit sounds so incredibly douchey even I'm sort of gagging on it. I'm honestly always flattered when people say I'm funny.)
Every time I see that you've posted something ( which is all the frakkin time), I think 'Ha! Now I can really eviscerate him!' - and then it's always really good. And then I forget that I'm supposed to say something heinous and I also don't necessarily want OTHER posters to think I'm a bitch. So I write nice truthful things because I'm caught in some sort of post-fic thrall or something and it isn't until you respond that I remember.
And you used it against me.
You are very you came bearing penguins, because- hee!
( and you are funny and not dochey at all, but don't ever repeat that or I will cut you.)
Putting that aside, I always appreciate your comments, and I suffer from a similar dilemma in commenting on your fics. Especially since more than once I've had people (not naming names) not realize that I don't actually mean the horrible things I say.
So yeah... somewhere in here there's a diss toward you... we kinda suck at ragging on each other tonight.
You don't really have to name names. I'm getting it too. It apparently is not how people are supposed to operate on LJ? I don't know.
Um, let's see- you could pick on me for my lack of knowledge about The Green Lantern and I can rag on you for thinking every song from the 80s was from the band Journey.
um... I may be something of a superhero geek but I'm pretty sure saying somebody doesn't know that much about Green Lantern is a compliment.
And I remember enough of the eighties to know that Journey wasn't the only band. Playing songs. There were others like... Journey... dammit.
That was all I got. But I can talk about Archie and Jughead ad nauseum. Can you believe Archie ever saw anything in Veronica? Boys, am I right? Up top!
You know Queen at least, right? Greatest band ever? The song Wayne and Garth headbanged to? Please? Ugh, you're not going to get that reference either, are you...
I'm fine with people thinking we actually hate each other. It's the other people that make me nervous.
And yes, I was born under a rock. I have no idea what Wayne's World or Queen is.
But I have to disagree with you there. Queen is not the greatest band ever. The greatest ever is clearly Menudo.
(actually it's U2)
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