Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses Part 9
Spoilers: Through Season 2
Word Count: 2090
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns all of it. Me-none.
AN: We're back to Jeff's POV here. Thank you AGAIN to everyone who is reading! I promise at some point Jeff and Annie might even interact here. Probably.
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I speak for myself but I love that you are taking time with the story, the longer the build-up the more satisfying the eventual payoff is, and what else to look forward to in the summer? plus, a quick fix after the finale and after all development you added, it just would be deus ex machina and wouldn't feel right.
Yay, I had a feeling you don't just put throwaway details in your fic, I always read into things and I'm always worried I might be reading too much into everything but I love when I know I don't just read into things (that sentence got kind of confusing, just go with me XD)
It really is surprising that some people are acting like this is already torture for them.
Exactly, I mean it's 3 weeks, it's not the end of the world, for all I know Jeff might not even see Annie before she comes back or maybe the rest of the summer and everyone expects him to hop on the next plane to Italy XD (I bet they never read 30+chapter reunion fics where reunion doesn't happen until the end *gg*)
I just want J/A to have to work for it.
I fully support you :) As long as by the end of the fanfic they got all limbs intact and are alive and non-crippled, I can take any angst (except non-con and cheating, and, well, death, and preferably no babies, those are the tropes I'm not a fan of to say the least *gg*)
I'm following what I think (hope) is a natural progression with this fic and I think it's more the ongoing-ness of it that is making people think it's angstier than it is. I also think it is throwing people that I'm NOT going for the obvious storytelling devices here Annie and Rich immediately hooking up for example). I just hope people stick with it, because I think it could get pretty good. I hope the perceived torture doesn't drive them away...
There isn't any substantial amount of J/A babyfic, probably because Annie's so young and Jeff Winger and babies doesn't seem like a good match,lol(thankgod, that stuff was really hard to avoid in the Doctor/Rose fandom, I cringed every time they made Rose have accidental Time Lord babies (some with like 18-month gestation period *dies*) at 20 years old, poor thing) Having said that, I still have read some just because there isn't enough fic in this fandom to satisfy my ficavor-ish tendencies and I had no choice, I dunno how I feel about it though, just conflicted. They weren't drama,though, just usually either sugary sweet or both were weirdly excited to have babies, again - eh. I dunno.
YES, it is natural and gradual, and it doesn't look like you are just torturing us for the sake of it, character development is everything and it doesn't just happen overnight.
Well, actually, Annie and Rich immediately hooking up is not obvious to me, because it doesn't make sense, considering their history and all, I expect them to be weird and careful around each other which they are, something at least needs to happen to change Rich's mind, and it's not a guarantee that Annie will be suddenly into it too.
I think people will stick with it, because you are giving us what we want even when we don't know it yet but subconsciously still get you ;D
I love what Hyde said "Wow, that's good writing. It's emotional and it screws you", that's how good fanfic should be, not a bunch of Mary Sue-y clichés wrapped in sugar-y soap, let's face it, that's how all writing would be if readers just got what they think they wanted willy-nilly *gg* What I'm trying so long-windedly to say, keep up your great work and stick to your way, I'm pretty sure it will pay off swimmingly :D
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