Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses Part 6
Spoilers: Through Season 2
Word Count: 2608
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns all of this.
AN: Okay. So there were some strong reactions to the last chapter, but I hope that you understand how much shorter this whole thing would be if Jeff had quickly changed his personality and gone with
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(My first reaction upon finishing this chapter)
I suspected it was a someone at the door, though not Jeff. I was thinking maybe some hot, young intern at Hawthorne Wipes or even Vaughn, but definitely not Rich. That's quite a twist. I'm not the biggest Rich fan, but I know Annie likes him. However, I suspect that after three weeks straight, he'll start to annoy her a bit.
As others have mentioned, I'm looking forward to Jeff finding out. I can't help but think Pierce will want to rub it in his face, if for no other reason than getting the satisfaction of seeing his reaction firsthand. I'm pretty sure Jeff will blow a gasket and I'm hoping that this will prompt a somewhat heated confrontation between Annie and him at some point. Jealous!Jeff is always such fun.
I'm glad that Annie has adopted such a positive attitude about things and is enjoying her time in Italy. These neighbors have me quite curious - I'm eager to find out what kind of influence Camilla in particular will have on Annie.
I really enjoyed the bits with Pierce. I do so hope he comes back to the group. Maybe Annie will text the others and encourage them to make contact with him. Things just aren't the same without him.
I'm looking forward to Jeff's POV next. Will he find out about Rich? Or will he just be moping around his apartment, dodging Chang and possibly Abed?
I love that this is turning into an epic. It gives us all something to look forward to. As anxious as I am for J/A RST, I'm enjoying the slow burn. More soon please!
Thank you so much for reading!
Maybe the next way I'll throw everyone is by having Jeff be totally okay with Rich abd Annie spending time alone together. Wouldn't that be awesome?
Uh, are you trying to kill us? lol
And a Rich/Annie fic?!?! Just put me out of my misery. ;-)
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