Title: Don't Wanna Be Right
Author: Ellie Biel
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters/pairing: Noin/Zechs
Warnings: drabble
Rating: G
Notes: Written for
stagesoflove Five Wrongs: First Wrong
She never should have done it. She'd known even back then that it was a mistake, but she'd been young and in love, and it had been a moment of weakness when she'd moved her gun just a hair to the right. After she'd fired her weapon, there was no turning back, even though she knew that he'd seen right through her.
Would she do it again? Probably not. Was she sorry that she'd finished in second place? No. She'd done it for Zechs, and regretting anything she did for him would be like believing that loving him was wrong.
Part 2:
Deep Down