A Matter of Taste, Gundam Wing

Apr 05, 2006 16:23

Title: A Matter of Taste
Author: Ellie Biel
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters/pairing: Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1,231, even more proof that my drabbles aren't drabbles at all
Warnings: AU, inappropriate humor, innuendo
Notes: Written per merith's prompt to help me light a fire under my muse.

"Hey, Heero, have you checked out the word of the day yet?"

Heero looked up from the screen, over to where Duo was sprawled on his stomach on the floor in front of his laptop, and shook his head. "Not yet."

"Do it, do it."

"Now?" Heero's eyebrows lifted, visible over the wire-rimmed glasses he wore.

Duo rolled onto his side and looked up at him. "Why? You still working on that web page?"

The pointed look Heero gave him was answer enough. "Okay, okay, sorry to interrupt, but you know, a break would be good for you. You've been staring at that all day now and like Mom used to say, it's not good for your eyes."

Heero's eyes swept over Duo's posture. "I'm sure she also said something about sitting up straight."

"Yeah, well, let's leave Mom out of this right now," Duo grumbled. "Go look."

"What are you, five?" Heero asked, and he opened his e-mail to see what was so all-fired important. His eyebrows lifted again and he looked over at Duo.

"Oh, come on! Tell me you didn't think it was funny."

Heero shrugged. "I can see where it would apply to you."

Duo's attention was completely on Heero now, his laptop forgotten. "Oh?" He waggled his eyebrows. "Didn't know you thought of me that way, Heero."

It was comments like those that always made Heero feel uncomfortable, unsure if Duo's teasing should be taken as a subtle hint that he was interested, or one that said if Heero did think of him that way, to keep it to himself. Most likely it meant that Duo had no idea Heero ever seriously entertained those types of thoughts about his roommate and meant absolutely nothing by it.

Heero's eyes flicked back over the word and its definition. Maybe it was reaching just a little too much to apply the term to Duo, but it was exactly this sort of situation that made him think it could. He had known Duo long enough to make that sort of assumption, or at least he should by now.

Duo frowned at Heero's suddenly serious expression, and pushed himself up to a sitting position. Heero had that faraway look in his eyes again, and that usually meant he was deep in thought. Shit, what had he said? Heero should have been either laughing, pretending not to laugh, or rolling his eyes, not getting all somber on him.

"Hey," Duo said, hitting Heero in the calf with the back of his hand. "Let's not be premature about this, right?"

"I don't," Heero said suddenly, looking down at him. The sun was reflecting off the lenses and hid Heero's eyes from view. Duo scuttled backwards until he was leaning against the leg of the table and the glare no longer made Heero look quite so ominous.

Of course he realized now that Heero's crotch was right at eye level and he complete forgot what they'd been talking about.

"I don't think you're showy," Heero continued, his voice sounding as strained as Duo's pants felt. "Or ostentatious."

"Don't they mean the same thing?" Duo really was trying to move his gaze away from the front of Heero's jeans.

"Mostly. Showy implies a little more tasteless."

Shit, he'd swear Heero knew that he was being ogled, and he finally tore his eyes away and looked up, only to see Heero wasn't looking at him but toward the wall. Or maybe the window, even if the blinds were closed.

"Well," Duo said, his voice sounding strangely high pitched to his ears. "Taste is relative."

He caught himself before his face turned right back toward Heero's chair and stood up. He hadn't meant to look at Heero's screen but he'd been trying to look everywhere and anywhere other than at Heero, because he was suddenly hyperaware of everything about him, from the hairs curled around the arms of his eyeglasses to the long thick eyelashes brushing against the inside of the lenses.

He blinked and leaned forward, catching himself from smacking the screen with a hand on Heero's shoulder.


Heero seemed to snap out of his daze and turned to look up at Duo. "Yeah." He sounded unsure.

"That's not the word of the day, Heero."

"Yes, it is," Heero insisted, and he pointed to the header of his e-mail and the date.

"Today's word of the day is cum, Heero." He bit down on his tongue so hard he felt the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes and snatched his hand away. His gaze locked with Heero's and the air was charged with something, so much so that Duo thought it should crackle, and then Heero leaned back lazily in his chair and the spell was broken.

"You do know where cum comes from, don't you?"

Duo snorted. "Please. Do I look that innocent?"

The raised eyebrow he got in return should have annoyed him, but he felt so relieved he laughed. "Okay, okay, point taken. Yes, Heero," he said, lacing his fingers together beneath his chin and adopting the most studious expression he could manage. "I did have to sit through the class where they separated the boys from the girls when they told us not to be surprised if we woke up with sticky sheets."

Heero tapped on the screen. "Orchid," he said, "comes from the Greek orchis."

Duo hadn't missed the stress on the word comes for the second time that day. He swallowed. "And?"

"And," Heero said, "Orchis is the Greek word for testicle."

Duo thought it was probably not a good time to insert his favorite Greek joke here. "Huh," he said. "Learn something new everyday."

He wasn't looking at Heero but he could feel Heero's eyes on him, making him feel much warmer than he should for an overcast day like today.

"Do you?"

Heero's voice was hesitant and Duo felt a little roiling in his belly. He reached over to remove Heero's glasses, folded them closed, and set them gently on the table before cupping Heero's cheeks with both hands.

"I think," he said, his breath coming out in a whoosh, "you do."

His eyes slid shut even before their lips met and his hands dropped from Heero's face to his shoulders. Heero's fingers were under his shirt and when the kiss ended, Duo was straddled across one of Heero's thigh with no idea how he'd gotten there.

"Know what else I learned," Heero murmured, his lips against Duo's ear.

At least Heero's voice sounded as rough as his own did. "What."

"I have a favorite flower now. I think we should buy a window box."

"Uh huh." Heero was tracing the shell of Duo's ear with his tongue and it really wasn't fair of him to make suggestions at a time like this when Duo was just as likely to agree to changing laundry detergent as to pulling open the blinds and having sex right there on the balcony.

Not that he'd mind either suggestion.

"Know what we should plant in it?" Heero's lips were moving along his neck now.

Duo laughed, a throaty sound that went right to Heero's groin, as if he needed any further encouragement in that particular area. "I do pay attention, you know," he gasped, his fingers digging into Heero's shoulder.

They never did buy that window box, but they did give the word of the day all the attention it deserved.

For the curious:

gundam wing, heero/duo

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