Title: Giraffe on Fire (# 6) / Pins and Needles (# 3)
elsie21Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters/pairing: Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
Rating: PG/PG13
Warnings: AU
Notes: Written for (and cross-posted to)
7snogs - themes #6 "argument" and #3 "embrace"; parts 4 and 5 in a 7 part series
Disclaimer: The characters of Gundam Wing to do not belong to me and are used without permission for fun, not profit.
(Previous parts - Part 1:
Sunny Side Up, Part 2:
Two Peas,
Part 3:
All's Fair in Love, War, and Killing Zombies)
Part 4:
Giraffe on FirePart 5:
Pins and Needles