Title: Eye of the Beholder
elsie21Characters/pairing: Greta, Yuuri, Wolfram
Rating: G
Greta had been quiet for a while now.
Every now and then, before Yuuri threw the ball back to Konrad, he’d glance up at where his adopted daughter sat. She had a pad of paper in her lap that was nearly as big as she was, and now and then she’d look out toward the sky, chew on her lip, and then pick up a different colored chalk and rub it across the page.
She was still working on it when he washed up before supper, but by the time he’d finished bathing - much to Wolfram’s disgruntlement as he’d arrived at the bath just as Yuuri was leaving - she was waiting for him outside, her eyes bright and her entire body trembling with excitement.
Greta apparently got her talent from Wolfram, Yuuri thought as he looked at the landscape, but at least with this he could still tell what it was. The sky was a bright blue on one side, bleeding into the deep black of night on the other with a few crude stars dotted here and there. The sun was almost in the center of the page, a brilliant yellow-gold against the blue, and by contrast, the moon, or at least what Yuuri assumed was a crescent moon, was a rather shapeless line of white, but stalks of what looked like wheat, if such a thing existed here in Shin Makoku, were recognizable, as was a pond of lily pads.
"That's very nice," he told her with a smile. "It shows..." He scrunched up his face. "Plenty of emotion!" He’d had plenty of practice with choosing his words carefully when it came to being an art critic. That didn’t mean he’d perfected it as a science, but he had the practice. Besides, she'd managed to at least pick colors that complemented each other in the picture and come up with something pleasing to the eye, which was more than he could say for-
"There you are," Wolfram stated as he strode into the room, his hair still damp from the bath and clinging to his neck. He put a hand on Yuuri’s shoulder to peer down at the drawing.
"Yuuri’s arm is bending the wrong way," he informed her, pointing at a smudge in the black sky.
"It is?" Greta asked, leaning over it to examine the area he’d indicated and nodded vigorously. "You’re right. I’ll fix that right after supper!" She slipped her hand into Wolfram's and when they got to the door, looked behind her. "Come on, Yuuri!"
He watched them go, noticing the pink of Greta's dress fluttering against crisp blue pants and the way the torches in the hall picked up golden sun-streaked highlights in Wolfram's hair. Yuuri looked down at the chalk drawing again and shook his head.
She definitely got that talent from her other father.