Tagged by Arachnospores

Feb 06, 2009 04:22

a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag seven people the only other person on my f-list. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. POSTPONED TILL A CERTAIN PERSON GETS LJ.  STOP WHOARING IN MYSPACE.

Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up: Door, chair, telephone, radiator, giant heart

How do you style your hair?: Air dry, random straightening

What are you wearing now?: Jeans, socks, black t-shirt

What's your occupation?: College student.

Do you nap a lot?: Sometimes, depending on how late I work as an office assistant.

Who was the last person you hugged?: Don't recall.( HUG ME :( )

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?: Big Bang Theory, Skip Beat.

What is your favorite Genre of book?: Manga. (does that count?)

What was the last text message you received?: Adriana wishing me good night.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?: Gmail, Onemanga, Zomganime, Yahoo mail.

What was the last thing you bought?: Mexican Food.

What are you listening to right now?: Big Bang Theory

What's the last song that got stuck in your head?: Tonight, Tonight,Tonight. Beat Crusaders.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Controlling the weather.

What is your favorite weather, and why?: Winter, I like the cold and wearing jackets and scarfs. Mittens/gloves not so much because I also lose one.

If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?: Violin/piano.

How are you?: Tired and sleepy.

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?:I'm thirsty.

Say something to the person who tagged you: I'M DOING IT@~!

1. Where did your LJ handle come from?: Elsie is my name. 0o0 looks like a bow. >_<

2. What was the last movie you saw in the theater and at home?: Theater - Get Smart. Home - David Cooperfield.

3. What is making you happy right now?: FRIENDS AND LULZ (AGREED)

4. What are you currently reading?: Sinfest.

5. Do you need music to study/write?: I don't need it, but it's fun to listen to.

6. Who or what do you think about on a daily basis?: Hot sauce.

7. What is the ugliest body part?: BUTT

8. What TV show do you watch reruns of?: Futurama, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Ace of Cakes.

9. What is your favorite movie genre? : Comedy and Anime

10. What is your favorite sport? : Soccer

11. What is your favorite color?: RAINBOW!~

12. What's in your bag?: Notebooks, Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Honey Packets stolen from a cafeteria.

13. What's your favorite food?: Spicy food.

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?: Chinese, Russian, Latin.

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: People who judge others too quickly.

16. Do you have a birthmark?: Yes.

17. Which countries have you visited?: Mexico.

18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?: Going back home.

19. What are you doing this evening?: Working till 7 am. W00T!

20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you: YOUR MOM! J/k (not really your parents are so awesome <3) She is a really great friend and her Wii is cool.

tagged, meme

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