keys keys keys!

May 21, 2008 13:04

I’m wearing white spikes today. Like, spikespikes. I didn’t mean to.
I woke up early this morning, earlier than I intended, and set out to iron my lovely white skirt, which takes much longer and is more complicated than I’d like. I finished and slipped into it. Put on my lovely green shirt and opened the closet door to look for my Sensible White Heels. Not there. Looked in the bedroom, under the bed. Not there. In the living room. Not there. I was already running late and didn’t really have time to change into a new outfit, so the spikes won.

I live in Austin and yet I somehow cannot find a job that will pay me reasonably and allow me to have purple hair. I think that this must be remedied.

I would like to make a note about the Child-Free Movement, and Women’s Choices in general: fucking HOOOOOOOOOORAY!!
What I mean to say is that we, women everywhere, are given the power of life. WE get to choose! (And I’m not speaking legally or anything like that - I’m speaking on the most basic level, as a woman.) Yes, of course, we can only provide 23 of the 46 required gametes, and of course A Man is an integral and necessary part of this production. But still, ultimately, the decision is ours. Even with his participation, we have the final veto power. To be able to say, "No, I don’t want children," or, "No, I don’t want your children." We can choose whether or not we want to carry the other 23, foreign gametes. And if A Man disagrees? To hell with him! What I’m trying to get at is that if you, as a woman, have consciously chosen to be Child-Free, I hope you recognize the power in your woman-ness which allows you to make that decision. Conversely, me, as a woman who whole-heartedly wants children, with my chosen power to be a mommy one day. You with your choice to stay child-free and me with my choice to bring life into the world, let us hold hands in partnership and awe of our abilities and with cheerful attention to our differences. I applaud us both!
Revel in it; bask in it; be joyful.
You: Woman: Mighty, Mighty Creator.
You: Woman: Mighty, Mighty Destroyer.
You: Woman: Very Mighty Indeed!

Comment on this post and I will choose seven interests from your profile. You will then explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.

EDIT! Also:

kthxfubye! :]

my pussy is magic, work, meme, random

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