Feb 13, 2007 08:55
I've been pouring through car classifieds and I'm really fucking tired of people not understanding that the apostrophe goes before the end of the number (ie '99), not after (ie: 99'). Do you understand why the aphostrophe is there? Do you?! It's there to replace the two numbers that you've left out (19--), just like when you write can't the apostrophe is there to replace the letters that have been left out. This is not difficult, people! C'mon! You're a poor reflection of the American education system.
I have an interview tomorrow for a quarterly magazine called Tea in Texas. I'm so beyond excited, it's unreal. Could this be my release? Could this be my escape? Could I be a little more dramatic?
I've started applying for schools. Let's not talk about it, k?
Ooh! I heard that The Toadies are having a reunion, which is an exciting prospect. (Oh, ZZ Top; oh, Toadies...)
I'm kinda behind in school work already. It's pathetic. Don't be such a slacker!
I'm feeling sort of vapid, but have recently been living in awe and sadness and unspeakability (I don't think that that's a word.) and fleeting happiness about the people who've walked into my life, the people who've walked out.
it all just slips
away so slowly
you don't even notice till you've lost a lot
i've been like one of those zombies
in vegas
pouring quarters into a slot
and now i'm tired
and i am broke
and i feel stupid and i feel used
and i'm at the end of my little rope
and i am swinging back and forth
about you
Ok, honestly: I thought to myself, "I haven't had any pulic entries in quite a while, maybe it's time for one." But the problem is that when I know something can/will be publicly seen, I censor myself, filter out all of the "bad" ideas, put up my facades (even if they're thin), and hide what I'm truly thinking and/or feeling.
tea in texas,