Mar 29, 2006 19:24
I guess it’s about time for my latest LJ entry. Don’t feel neglected, it’s just that there are things infinitely more important that you, LiveJournal.
I’m still on the hunt for a new place to live. I’m being more diligent now though. My determination seems to have increased. I looked at a place Monday on my way to work that totally rocked my socks off, but it’s $1050/month, and I totally cannot swing that, even with a little help from Daddy. It was this adorable cottage overlooking a lake and a nice big deck in front, although the actual cottage is about this: | | big. More appointments to see a few other places later this week. The options are dwindling, it’s looking like a studio or a roommate, and I would take studio over roomie any day.
Last Friday I strolled into some high scale salon near where I work and got my hair chopped off. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and finally grew enough of a pair to actually get it done. It’s a really great cut and it does look really good, but it seems so plain to me, I know I’ll bored of it soon. It’s just a little bit past my shoulders, the exceedingly flaming 50 year old dude whacked off about 5 or 6 inches of my hair. I want more layers or something to make it a little more interesting. Maybe I’ll get a little more snipped at some point.
Daddy’s back in Iraq, which royally pisses me off. I really do not understand why he feels possessed to be there. He said something about some good business opportunities. In Iraq?! C’mon now, that doesn’t seem like good thinking to me. So he’s back to translating for the army and scouting supposed opportunities, which apparently do not exist in any country that is not prevalent with war. But whatever, let’s not get into things over which I have no control.
On another note related to my father, he wants me to move back in with Fredi. I had difficulty telling him OVER YOUR DEAD BODY! I’m sorry, but I will admit that my pride is a factor in this. I will not go groveling back to some woman who looks down on me for something that is and should be of my own choosing and ask her to allow me to stay with her. Dinner, I can handle. Moving back in, not so much.
The other day I accidentally left the oven on ALL DAY. Bangin’, huh?
My car seems to be dying. It’s having more and more difficulty shifting, so there are a number of problems it could be. Let’s pray for the less expensive one, k?
I have a HUGE crush on David from the art department. I’d do him and leave him!
We, in the production department, rejoice when the wall is all white.
I got some radical stuff and if I have my way, I will continuously obtain this radical stuff.
Wednesdays make me so happy.
Tonight is looking like a spinach pizza night. Delivery?
Look guys, I rarely make updates anymore, so pour out the comments. It’ll give me something to do tomorrow instead of my usual Thursday sitting around/gossiping/smoking/pretending to work/taking extended lunch breaks in a four hour day.