So, uh...about
this. That died like whoa. ;P Methinks I picked a few too many overly obscure fandoms in my quest to do ones I hadn't done before. ^^;;; Ah well, regardless, I've put up the answers now in case anyone was curious. Thanks to Erin for doing an incredible job, though. *wink
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9.) Final Fantasy VII
- yuri: Tifa/Aerith
- yaoi: Sephiroth/Cloud
- het: Sephiroth/Jenova Cloud/Aerith?
- OT3: Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud
10.) Final Fantasy IX
- yuri: Beatrix/Dagger
- yaoi: Kuja/Zidane
- het: Zidane/Dagger
- OT3: Beatrix/Dagger/Mikoto
13.) Fullmetal Alchemist
- yuri: either Winry/Sheska or Ross/Riza
- yaoi: Roy/Ed
- het: Al/Winry
- OT3: Roy/Riza/Ed
14.) Final Fantasy VIII
- yuri: Quistis/Rinoa
- yaoi: Squall/Zell
- het: Laguna/Raine
- OT3: Ultimecia/Adel/Edea
You can smack me now.
FFVII: 3/4 - And that ain't bad. ;P
FFIX: 3/4 - Ooo, so close. ^^
FMA: 2/4 - I totally gave away the yuri one in that last entry, dude. ;P
FFVIII: 0/4 - Oh, it burns, doesn't it? *LOL*
Have an icon hint. ;P
I think I did okay with yours. But not going to even try with what I missed, since I'll likely try again, fail again.
You definitely did okay with mine. ^_~ Aww, go ahead, try were pretty close on some of them, too. ;P
You mean you don't know my FFIX OT3? I could've sworn I'd told you that plotbunny at some point...*LOL*
I'm sure you've told me all sorts of things, but I'll admit there's a bit of a jumble up there after three years and for all I know, my plotbunnies ate it!
I'm sure you've told me all sorts of things, but I'll admit there's a bit of a jumble up there after three years and for all I know, my plotbunnies ate it!
*dies* That's probably what happened, yeah. *LMAO*
I wish my plotbunnies would eat each other so I didn't have so danged many.
I'd say that's a good idea, but I have a feeling fans of your writing wouldn't be too happy with me if I did, myself included...^_~
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