Fic: Sweet Tooth of the Lord

Jun 30, 2010 00:23

I'm writing stuff, I swear!

Title: Sweet Tooth of the Lord
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Either gen or pre-slash Dean/Cas - whichever direction you feel like tilting your head today :)
Words: 500
Genre and rating: G for pure, mindless fluff, really. Just a snapshot of life on the road.
Notes: For maychorian's Birthday Comment-fic meme and the prompt: "Jelly beans! Also Twizzlers."

"I prefer the jelly beans - but I quite enjoy the shape and texture of the Twizzlers." Castiel was experiencing a low-grade dilemma. They were at a gas station and Dean had told him that after last night (in which the man had grabbed at least six types of candy in the interest of educating Castiel on human confectionaries) he may choose one type of candy.

"Well if you can't decide then just pick something new, Cas." Sam suggested from the refrigerators. Castiel wondered if Sam was experiencing a similar dilemma with the Pepsi and the Dr. Pepper. He turned his gaze back to the brightly coloured packages in his hand and frowned, considering the situation.

Castiel looked briefly over the variety of choices in the aisle but everything looked so similar. And... "I already know I like jelly beans and Twizzlers." He announced firmly. One of the candies he'd tried the previous evening had been distinctly unpleasant, and he did not want to repeat that experience. Dean had laughed for 78 seconds at Castiel's reaction to it.

The angel stared down at the jelly beans with yearning. They were pleasantly sweet and had a variety of flavour that the Twizzlers did not provide - they were also shiny and pleasing to look at. Yet they were far too easy to eat. Castiel knew that if he chose the jelly beans they would be ingested so quickly and so thoughtlessly that he might forget to properly appreciate them, especially now that he knew the taste of them quite well.

The Twizzlers, however, would compel Castiel to take his time, to savour each bite and take a break between each red cylinder of sugar. He also enjoyed twisting the rubbery substance around his fingers for reasons he could not identify. Eating Twizzlers was soothing in a mindless fashion.

Dean glanced at Castiel over the top of the shelves and the angel heard a light smacking noise that he assumed must be the older Winchester closing his procured copy of "Busty Asian Beauties." Dean glanced over to the refrigerators and called out to his brother. His voice was, as usual, slightly louder than the appropriate decibel level. "You ready to head out, Sam?"

Sam nodded decisively and grabbed the Dr. Pepper from the refriderator. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Cool, lets go."

Castiel's eyes narrowed, revealing a hint of his distress. "But Dean, I have not -"

"I've got a hankerin' for some Twizzlers but I can't eat this whole bag. Cas, you'll help me out?"

Castiel tilted his head at the sudden change of topic for a moment before understanding dawned and he experienced an enjoyable warming sensation that he was still becoming used to. More and more often, it lifted the corners of his physical lips upwards slightly and the skin around his vessel's eyes would crinkle.

"That is acceptable, Dean." He agreed as he passed the Twizzlers to Dean and clutched the precious jelly beans in both hands.


fandom: supernatural, fic

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