All my Heart Collection III: Pendragon Style Crossovers

Mar 17, 2013 02:13

Always Holding On: A/G lost/found in Storybrooke
Captured by an Alien: A/G & allies in Roswell
Force of Destiny & Love: A/G and allies as Jedi Masters


Always Holding On
Written for: ag_fics Fic Battle 1.0
Prompt: wickedvampirate- Arthur and Gwen are part of the curse in Storybrooke and can’t remember each other. Nurse Gwen has to help an injured Arthur in Physical Therapy.
Characters: A/G, Merlin, Morgana, Mordred
Rating: PG / Crossover with Once Upon a Time


Once upon a time…

A festival of music and celebration. The prince and princess stood at the head. How everyone loved them in the magical land of Camelot. Their court sorcerer Merlin lifted his hands now with a meaningful gesture. Soon the room was being rained down upon by golden and silver droplets. The prince and princess kissed as everyone applauded.

But then suddenly there came a hollow roar. As the sconces all blew out. And the attendees were left in nothing but the ink of blackness.

Then a voice. “So uncouth of you not to invite us my Lord, my Lady.”

Screams. Shudders. The prince grabbed the princess’s hand. “Don’t let go.”



“I’m here. But her magic, their magic combined. It’s blocking me. I’m sorry Sire.”

Hands clapped fiercely. “Enough talking. I want you to listen to me.”

“Then you’ll have to bring back some light SISTER.”

The witch pouted at that, before allowing the room to be dully illuminated again. “There now-

He lifted Excalibur, still holding on fiercely to his newlywed wife. “You have no call to be here. Both of you. You weren’t invited. Now LEAVE.”

“Ha ha ha ha…oh…” The witch clapped. “Oh so bravely stated my Lord. So noble and chivalrous is he not my lady?” The witch smiled benignly. “Such a strong mannered man.


A fierce wind blew through the room. Merlin felt some of his power returning and lifted his hand, stopping the force in seconds, making the witch turn to him.

“OH. You’re even better. Merlin. So much better, the WIZARD.”

“Why are you here Morgana?”

The witch turned to her half brother, sneering. “Finally you speak my name.”

The prince shook his head. “I have no quarrel with you.”

She ran her finger over the cake that sat near where she stood, her bottom lip protruding as she licked the white creamy frosting off her finger. “And yet you didn’t invite me. So rude. Nor Mordred. He is more a brother than you are.”

The prince let out an exasperated sigh as he noticed Merlin gesturing for him to stall. “I will ask you one more time to leave. I only care to rule the kingdom I love and be with the woman whom I love.”

He held his wife closer who faced the witch with him in solidarity.

To that Morgana sneered. Arthur just hoped Merlin could figure out whatever he was trying to figure out in time.

Whishing away her cloak’s long black train, Morgana finally came to the reason for her presence. “Well we can’t all get what we wish for, my brother. Say goodbye to your kingdom. Say goodbye to your


And now finally Mordred’s presence became known. He let out a horrifying scream that lifted to everyone’s ears like a thousand swords. It filled their drums with the most horrid cacophony. Cries rang throughout the entire room.

“MERLIN, do something!” Arthur yelled in agony, holding tight to Guinevere's hand. And then he saw his half sister’s sad, but determined look. Saw her lips alone tell him:

Sorry. But you never had to go through what I did. I’M the one who deserves to be queen. And now-

The castle’s ceiling started to cave. The attendees looked up with mesmerized and equally terrified expressions.

“Guinevere.” Arthur grabbed his wife’s hand, but then the stones were shooting down upon them like poisoned arrows. Their hands wrenched apart to avoid either being pummeled.

The last thing the prince could be heard shouting was…


As the witch got her victory. As Merlin did everything he could to only allow it to be temporary.

As Camelot crumbled. And everyone within it…


Or did they?

Because you see my readers, there is this little queer land called Storybrooke of Camelot and it has something quite unique about it.

You see,

It has a fair prince.

And a regal princess.

And a magical wizard.

And a dark warlock.

And a

Master of Alterations Witch.

All mixed up. All tangled into a spell that as strong as it is, also has a flaw. For the wizard kept them all from certain death, what was originally intended.

And it is his interference that brought them to this world where time has stopped. And lives have altered.



“Oh!” She scrambled to reach, pushing her hand over the annoying alarm clock, groaning. “Time to get up.”

As morning dawn barely shown through the window of her tiny studio apartment, Gwen wished she could be a princess of royalty so she wouldn’t have to be up with the dawn. But that was indulging in fantasy and Gwen considered herself someone who always followed the practical. Listening to your heart…well it simply made you late for work.

She pushed away the covers and made her way to her tiny shower.


Three hours later she was being told by the head doctor of the ER that they had a major accident coming in. Get prepared.


“Yes Dr. Emrys?”

“I need you to assist me when they arrive. A few moments from now probably based on the ambulance tracking. Some calamity out in the wood. Make sure you have everything sterile and that all the IV’s are out…”

She listened dutifully to the doctor with dark waves of hair. He was actually kind of young, but had a ton of experience from er, somewhere.

It took some more tense moments, but then finally the ambulance was there. The crew of Percy and Elvin brought the stretchers in, just two. As they were pushed into the ER core unit, Gwen got ready to assist. She looked down upon the man, blonde, athletic build, fair skinned, and fairly tall. His face was bloodied, especially around his eyes. As Doctor Emrys was tending to the other, the man let out a low moan. Gwen reached down, grasping his hand. “It’s okay. You’re in good hands now.”


“I know.” She said a bit stupidly. She usually knew right away what to say to the patients, but something about this one was flustering her.

“I can’t see.”

His eyes were closed. She could argue, but also the blood was heavy there. “Don’t worry about that. You’ll see soon enough again. Have hope.”

She started to part from him as Dr. Emrys came to check, but the patient’s long fingers clawed at hers desperately, shaking. “Don’t leave me.”

Gwen felt a rush of feeling like never before. It stunned her. It filled her so strongly that she didn’t even hear Dr. Emrys the first time, or the second, or the third, until finally he was practically yelling it out at her. “We have to get him to surgery Gwen. You need to let go of his hand.”

She knew he was right.

But something so hard. Something so-

Blessedly he closed his eyes. Gwen slid her hand away.



He entered the posh living room, decorated in red and stark black. “He’s at the hospital now.”

Morgan Fayer clasped her hands with satisfaction. “Wonderful.”

“Maybe not.”

She turned to the younger man with dark curls of hair atop his head. “What do you mean Morris?”

“She is too.”

“But you told me-

Morgan’s face was filled with fury so Morris simply stated,

“Dr. Emrys.”

Hearing that name, Morgan cooled her temper, became more calculating instead, nodding her head. “Right. Well-we’ll just have to bring her in too. That’s your mission now Morris. Find her. So we can give them the proper reunion.”


It had been months now since he came into the hospital, John Doe #15. You see Storybrooke of Camelot Hospital had many Johns and Janes who had no idea what their name was or where they came from. For those who were physically injured as to impair movement in any fashion, Gwen was assigned to their rehabilitation. Lately that assignment most heavily concentrated upon #15, who from the time he had entered the hospital was suffering from blindness. Whatever had been done in the accident to inflict the area of his eyes had caused temporary/permanent if it wasn’t healed soon, vision loss.

They sat outside now, upon the patio, a forest of trees in the distance, a flowing little pond nearby.

“Well it’s a lovely day again.”

Feeling the breeze ruffle his hair, he didn’t argue. He had when he first came, hating not being able to see. It was hard enough not understanding who you were, what your name was. But to not see, somehow realizing you saw well before, that was just torture. She didn’t let him wallow in that though. Instead she taught him how to walk with a cane and how to get through the most mundane tasks like changing your clothes when you were as blind as a bat.

He told her that angrily the first time, that he was ‘as blind as a bat’. But when she moved to leave, he reached out his hand desperately grabbing for her fingers. And she squeezed in return, telling him if he would stop feeling sorry for himself, she would help him see with all the senses he had left.

Now his nostrils picked up every hint of smell and calculated it into what category it could possibly fit into. His ears piqued at the slightest change of sound. And his hands knew how to feel features of face and everything else necessary.

She was truly impressed by his fast progress once he stopped having a defeatist attitude. She told him he must have been something that required great tenacity and strength of spirit before.

Now as they finished with their exercises, because one of his legs was a bit wobbly too at times, some bones shattered during the accident that were only now healing properly, they sat down across from each other to eat lunch.

She reached out for the pitcher of iced tea, but he grasped it before she could get it in her hands. “It’s alright. I’ll do that.”

Gwen smiled. Who said chivalry was dead? “Thank you.”

He grimaced suddenly. She touched his hand. “What is it?”

“I hate not having a name or being referred to as a number.”

She protested. “I never do that.”

“I know. But some of the other attendants do sometimes. It’s annoying. I want a name.” He finished pouring both of their drinks and slid hers over across the table.

Gwen laughed, taking a fast sip. When he was truly sore, a pout formed at his bottom lip that was just a bit adorable. “Then make yourself one.”

At that moment something very peculiar, but dangerous, happened. A patient who was not stable ran out from the hospital’s wards. He moved forward, as he was being chased after, grabbing Gwen by the throat and putting a pocket knight against it. “I’ll hurt her.”

“Gwen?” The blind man asked.

She whispered as calmly as she could. “I’m alright. Just don’t move. He won’t hurt me.”

She honestly didn’t know that and the staff at the moment seemed alarmed too. Gwen wondered if talking to the man would help. Wondered for about a second because then the most extraordinary thing happened. The blind man rose to his feet, his cane in hand. He waved it like one would a sword, actually giving a flick of his wrist, and hit the man holding onto her so hard that he faltered and Gwen was able to get away.

The attendants took back the man, and as they did, her blind protector grasped onto Gwen’s waist, pulling her close, whispering, “That will teach him to touch my Guinevere.”

Gwen stared at that. “What do you mean?”

Her blind protector looked just as astonished. “I don’t know. It just-slid out.”

“Like your expertise with a sword?” She asked.

He licked his bottom lip. “Yes…I guess.”

She nodded, lowering her head and then he asked, ever so quietly. “May I see you?”

Gwen knew what he meant. It was standard for all blind patients. But something about him doing it made her shiver with anticipation. “Sure.”

His hands gently molded her face, his fingers taking in her every feature. Rubbing at her nose. Pressing for a few seconds against her lips. Caressing her temple without meaning to.

And Gwen shivered more. His hands. His touch.

Something so familiar, something so-

“Gwen.” Dr. Emrys’s voice cut through. She moved away from the blind man's touch shakily. “Oh. Dr. Emrys.”

He was smiling, gesturing to a beautiful woman standing beside him. “This is Mithian. She is our patient’s fiancée.”

Gwen’s heart lurched. Dr. Emrys failed to notice, so intent upon their patient now that hopefully some answers would come forth. “And she knows your name. It’s Art.”

“Oh Art…” Mithian pushed past Gwen, kissing her astonished fiancee’s lips. “How I’ve missed you.”

Even in his astonishment, Art's hand reached out, his fingers gripping Gwen’s.

Holding on. Always holding on.


Once upon a time…

Two lovers met again.

And once upon a time…

Fate would test them.


Captured by an Alien
Written for: ag_fics Fic Battle 1.0
Prompt: mustbethursday3- OT4, Roswell!Au, Gwen as Liz. Merlin as Maria, Arthur!Max…and Morgana as Isobel.
Characters: A/G, Merlin, Gwaine, Freya
Rating/Warning: R/Violence and some Mature matter / Crossover with Roswell


“Oh I am what I am
I’ll do what I want, but I can’t hide
I won’t go I won’t sleep
I can’t breathe until you’re resting here with me
I won’t leave I can’t hide
I cannot be until you’re resting here with me…”

~Dido~Here with Me {Roswell’s theme song}

It was two years ago today, I was abducted by an alien. The kind from another world. The outer space that astronauts like to visit, but where they’ve never gone before. Another planet.

We’re in a boarded up hotel in some tiny little town, far enough outside of Roswell, because we’re on the run. The men in those perfectly lined suits you always see, want to experiment on him, like he’s some lab rat. They want to open him up. They want to keep him hush hush from the rest of the world. And they want to treat him like some monster.

They think I’m some Stockholm syndrome girl, that somehow that night two years ago he took my mind hostage, and then later my body. Forced me to have feelings for him. They think he captured me, alone. But they don’t get it. That night I captured him too.

His naked chest calls out to me. Makes me want to touch it. Stroke it. And so I do. And so he wakes. Smiles at me. And you know what they probably think, those men in the perfect suits? That he would suddenly turn green or grow spikes or glow like a light bulb.

Actually he does glow when he’s really in the throes of passion. It kind of slides over his body, just this really soft light, nothing glaring like Twilight, that is only there for fractions of seconds. But it doesn’t hurt. It feels right. Like him.

Two years ago I was in a relationship. You know, one of those summer things that you never thought would last anyway. Totally casual. But he, my boyfriend then, thought it was more. He was such a hindrance because his dad, he’s the sheriff. And yet you know what happened with the sheriff? He helped us get out of town. And so did that past boyfriend, another friend, and another, and Arthur’s sister, and his alien brother, more-so friends, but they consider themselves family, all three of them. And we’re they’re family too.

There are no more aliens in Roswell now. They’re going to be scattered all over the country, the world, maybe some day even the heavens. All that Roswell is going to contain is some ship that crashed down so many years ago. A ship that took them away from their home, brought them here. To Earth. To all of us.

Brought him.

To me.

I am Gwen Legrance. I am in love with an alien. He’s taken me as his prisoner. I go willingly. I let him enter me willingly. Let him enter my heart. My most intimate parts of my body. And my life.

And now I take you back. Two years ago. To where it all started. To where he captured me and vice versa.

I swear I didn’t even know it then. But my whole life was just beginning.

I was coming to life.


“I know you see it Gwen.”

Slicing another order of pizza into neat triangles, Gwen, her wild dark curls bound back in a ponytail, shook her head with amusement at her best friend.

They’d been inseparable since that day she saved him from some bully girls that were nearly twice his size. Although Gwen was small, she grew up with a dad who used to wrestle. He taught her early on how to fight. And so when she saw those girls picking on that skinny boy with dark hair and glasses, she got angry. Cementing her fist, she hit one and then another, surprising the nerdish boy. She didn’t really hurt them, just banged up their noses some. Her mom, then, always told her violence wasn’t the way, but her dad told her when there was no other way, use it. So she did.

Thus she he got put into kindergarten’s version of anger management, three weeks sitting on the bench, missing recess. It would have been awful, if it wasn’t for him, the nerdy boy, his name actually Merlin. He would sit nearby, sneak her some moon pies and tell funny stories because you see his dad was a magician. Merlin liked to perform magic as a past-time. And he was pretty good at it too.

So now they worked together at her uncle’s restaurant/high school hangout, Interplanetary Pizza. One thing about Roswell. Just about the whole world visited because they wanted to find Area 51. See the aliens. It was normal to see cars lined up around the darkest parts of the highway. Really strange people with their cameras and their telescopes that they set up there just on the side of the road, in hopes of spotting a mother ship and alien life-forms inside.

Gwen liked to laugh at it. Show pictures to tourists that showed up, hoping to get a good story. Pictures she photoshopped to make look like real aliens. And they totally believed it for the most part.

So yeah, Interplanetary Pizza, and their school was the home of the Comets. There was a yogurt placed called Transcendental Treats, and even the gas pump was named Galactic Gas. It was all tongue in cheek. Names put there to attract the tourists to elevate the economy while the locals laughed at their nuttiness.

As she finished slicing, Merlin, black framed glasses pushing against the bridge of his nose, pizza box in hand since he was the delivery guy, complained some more. “They put it on everything. And I don’t mean just sprinkles Gwen. They drench it. Pizza drenched in Tabasco sauce. I’m telling you, there’s something really weird about them.”

Gwen sighed, saying nothing as she boxed the pizza . Merlin needed to stop talking and get a move on or both these pizzas would be cold and her Uncle Gaius would rant.

Merlin was talking about them of course. They seemed to always be together, two siblings, the other just a close friend. Some thought they were strange. Most thought they were wicked, and Gwen considered herself in that category. They intrigued her, especially Arthur. He didn’t speak a lot, but when he did, it was usually with strong intention, and he wore red and black a lot, colors that defined him well. Plus it was obvious he worked out.

Then there was his sister Morgana. She was beautiful, tall, like a fashion model, dark locks of hair that went far past her shoulders, curled just a little. Not like Gwen’s crazy ones. And her face, it was so pale like porcelain. Gwen barely ever heard her speak, but when she did it came out really cool and distant.

Lastly there was Gwaine. He had short dark hair that waved around his face, or he spiked up. Really thin, he was built like Arthur too. And of all of them, he seemed to have the most daring side to his personality, a bit of humor even. Almost always he could be caught with a drink in hand. Merlin was telling her now it was Tabasco sauce. So Gwen gave him an exasperated look.

“Tabasco sauce? Drinking it? Merlin, come on!”

Merlin could be so neurotic, raised by such eccentric parents who were nerdy too.

A voice rung out from the back, interrupting their conversation, Uncle Gaius’s gravelly tone. Merlin finally departed for delivery duty, and as he did, Freya came in to start her shift. She was friends with both of them; Gwen had known her since the second grade. With shiny brown hair and big doe-like eyes, she seemed like an open book. But not all true. Freya had a little bit of a mysterious side to her too.

“I could hear your uncle from the parking lot. Merlin rushed right past me. Late with the pizza again?” Gwen nodded with a smile as she started slicing the next one.


It was all Freya asked and yet Gwen knew what it implied. “I’m going to break up with him tomorrow. Well actually it’s not even a breakup. We weren’t really totally together. Just kind of hung out during the summer. Now school’s back in session and he’ll be fine with us just parting ways.”

“Sure about that Gwen?” Freya asked pointedly as she started her shift, putting the pizza garnishing on top of the sauce.

“Yeah, I’m-

“Hey.” A voice interrupted. Both Gwen and Freya looked up. It was Gwaine, a cool smile on his face as he said to both of them, seeming to concentrate mostly on Freya though. “Can I get another bottle?”

Gwen frowned at the empty bottle of Tabasco sauce. She swore it had been filled to the top when they sat down. Maybe Merlin was right?

Ah, no.

“Yeah. Freya, can you get one from the pantry?”


Freya got the bottle and handed it to Gwaine who seemed to smile even more, his hand mingling with hers for a moment.


After he departed, Gwen gave Freya a strong look. “That was interesting.”

Freya shrugged, not looking up as she washed her hands and then went back to garnishing the pizza. “Yeah.”

“I think he likes you.”

Freya snorted at that, whispering afterward, “Not as much as Arthur likes you.”


“He’s been staring at you like since I got in.”

Gwen shook her head. “No. We’re lab partners sometimes and he barely says a word to me.”

“Maybe he’s just shy.”

“Arthur Pendragon?” Gwen asked skeptically. “I don’t think so.”

But Freya was right. He did keep staring at her.


Later when the three were departing, leaving another empty bottle of Tabasco sauce, Gwen was cleaning up the table across from them. A patron knocked into her, without realizing, so excited to go see Area 51, that Gwen nearly dropped everything she was carrying, but for a fast save.

From Arthur Pendragon.

He grabbed the platter that had nearly gone down to the floor, and then grasped onto Gwen’s waist. “Okay?”

She looked up into his eyes, blue, bright and vivid, like the sky. “Yeah.”

His smile came out, quick, but friendly. “Good.”

A bored and irritated sounding voice came from behind. “Arthur we have to go. Told Mom and Dad we’d be home by ten. You know, a school night.”

It was Morgana. Gwen smiled at her. Morgana scanned her coolly for a few moments, before totally ignoring her, latching onto her brother’s wrist instead. “Come on Arthur.”

Gwaine stood behind, semi bent over as he had taken some of the Tabasco sauces from the emptying tables and was stacking them on top of each other like a pyramid.

Gwen found herself wanting to stall. She reached over to the counter and pushed them out with a big smile toward all three, even Gwaine who looked up from his ‘masterpiece’ with a bored look.

“After dinner mints. Roswellian style. Little aliens on them. Mint?”

Arthur gave her a look, but started to take one, before he noticed it. He reached out, grazing his fingers over Gwen’s collarbone. “What’s this? You’re always wearing it.”

Her hand moved to her heart instinctively, and slid against his fingers. His eyes diverting direction, he quickly pulled away so he was no longer touching her.

“My mom gave it to me, a space-glass, because I want to be a scientist, you know study…the universe. Or a photographer, haven’t chosen yet which one’s better.”

Seeming to not hear her second comment, he peered closer now, looking at it strongly, gazing into it, touching it once more as Gwen’s fingers slid away.

From behind, Gwaine teased. “You going to make out with her or that thing she’s wearing around her neck.” Sheepishly Arthur dropped it. Morgana rolled her eyes and Gwaine laughed as Arthur gritted out, “Shut up.”

Gwaine smirked and sauntered out, leaving his work of art on the table, with Morgana following him. Arthur hung back though, reaching out for Gwen’s arm and then letting go. He seemed conflicted. His eyes kept taking her in, but his hands didn’t know what to do. They moved restlessly against his sides.

Gwen’s eyes lifted to him with inquiry, and then she remembered. “Mint?”

He shook a little at that, biting down on his bottom lip, before taking it. “Yeah. Okay. Thanks.”

It was weird the way he kept staring, like he was dissecting, taking her apart, but it wasn’t invasive. Instead it fascinated her, made her wish they weren’t in a pizza joint that had harsh lighting and loud music playing in the background.

“Hey Gwen, got the last of the orders out. You going to be ready to leave in an hour?”

She jumped. It was Merlin, back from all his delivery orders. Turning she saw Freya watching what was going on curiously. Arthur cleared his throat. “Got to go.”

He didn’t acknowledge the others, passing through the doors rapidly. Gwen watched his strongly shouldered back, murmuring to Merlin absentmindedly. “Yeah. I’ll be ready.”

Gwaine’s pyramid chose that moment to come crashing down. The glass from some of the bottles shattered, red sauce oozing out from the cracks, staining the table like blood.

Gwen stared at it as Merlin ranted that they needed to lock up all the bottles next time Gwaine and ‘them’ came in.

Saying nothing, Gwen moved to the window, watching the familiar jeep roar away, leaving a cloud of Roswell dust to fly into the murky desert atmosphere.


It was a few hours later that after leaving Freya at her house, Merlin and Gwen walked home using a secluded shortcut they’d learned about in the third grade. Although both had their licenses, neither could yet afford a car. Halfway through the dirt path, five burly guys came from behind the bushes. It was evident they’d been drinking heavily and Gwen could see a few knives poking out of their pockets, sending strong warning signals.

Money didn’t seem to be what they wanted. After a few moments of their leering and crude comments, Merlin could guess their desires and stood in front of Gwen defensively. He was scared too certainly, but he’d squelch his fears for her.

Despite Merlin’s best efforts to protect her, Gwen was grabbed. She bucked hard, opening her mouth to scream, but a hand was slapped so hard over it, that she bit her lip, the metallic taste of blood sliding over her tongue. Merlin’s further efforts were cut short when he was grabbed also. Two stocky guys, they pushed him to the ground easily.

Gwen could see out of the corner of her eye that Merlin wasn’t going to give in easily. He fought them, yelling out her name, and as two of them dragged her into the bushes, the other three staying with Merlin, she could hear his protests cut short, a sick thudding sound of fist connecting with flesh piercing her ears.

Past the bushes, she was forced to put Merlin to the back of her mind. They pushed her out into the tiny opening of dusty ground. She moved to fight, feeling one grabbing her arm, and bringing her back against his chest. Gwen elbowed him fiercely, hitting him in the gut. Then she tripped the other with her foot, kicking it out wildly, before running off.

The one she tripped, fell, his head connecting with the ground. He didn’t move after that, but the other gave chase. Since his legs were long and his stride was wider than hers, he easily caught up with her. She screeched, biting his arm, which made him grab her throat, wrenching her space-glass off.

The moment it fell to the ground, Gwen’s heart lurched. It meant everything to her. She couldn’t lose it. Struggling, she clawed the man’s face with her semi long fingernails, and with that effort was able to get away again. Instead of running, she searched the desert ground, through the tumbleweeds and dry bushes, cursing as she couldn’t find it anywhere.

And then finally, a glint of shining silver and color.

She lifted it up into her hands, but her luck had entirely run out. The other man had woken, the one she just scratched with her nails now moving too. They didn’t take any chances this time, grabbing her roughly by the waist, as one pressed his knife against her collarbone, sneering out, “Shut it, or I cut it.”

Gwen gasped at the cold metal, but then she wasn’t feeling it anymore, being thrown forward instead. Landing roughly on her knees, her jeans the only thing keeping them from getting scraped, she cried out, losing hold of it again. Once again it was lost in the Roswell dust.

And then her wrists were being grabbed. She was lying on her back, and a hand was snaking up her middle, lifting at her top, slowly.

Making her body flood with icicles of dread.

No. Not this.


His jaw hurt. And his head. His stomach, they’d kicked plenty. And now finally Merlin realized that his fighting was not helping at all. They just kept hurting him. So he’d lie still. Calming his breathing, he closed his eyes with an intended moan, waiting.

They started to move away, toward the bushes, ready to join their friends, and Merlin got up, his body sore, warm sticky blood soaking into his clothing, but he was determined.

He thought of a trick his dad taught him, using it, getting some of the bush debris to appear as if it was floating in the air. It distracted one of the guys, making him holler with fear, but then the other two turned around, saw him.

Merlin was scared, but didn’t back down, needing to distract. He hit them with everything he had, knowing somewhere in the back of his mind it was a losing fight, but not caring. “I’m not letting you hurt Gwen!” He yelled, using all his strength, but they easily pushed him to the ground, laughed.

And then a fist sailed through the air, before another.

A voice stating strongly, “You want to try that with me now?”

Dark challenge.

It was Arthur Pendragon and Gwaine. They fought the three guys like they were sparring partners.

“Are you alright?” Merlin looked up into the greenest bluest eyes. She rarely smiled, but now she did down at him, touching his shoulder and Merlin swore it was like she was healing it, but that was crazy. Healing his broken body, but that was nuts. And then he remembered. “Gwen!” He shouted at Arthur demandingly. The fighting blonde turned back to him, grimacing. “What?”

“Gwen…you have to save Gwen! Forget about them, get Gwen.”

Even though Gwaine and Arthur were more lanky than broad, they were also sober and fast, easily getting the advantage in the fight. Three were down on the ground as Merlin ranted at Arthur as if they had known each other for years. “Stop standing there staring at me like some brainless cabbage head and get Gwen!”

Gwaine laughed at that one.

Arthur looked affronted.

“Excuse me-

Merlin started rising up to his feet, pushing past Morgana, but then lost his balance. He cursed his wounds, stating it desperately, his voice croaking with pain. “They’ll hurt her. You can’t let that happen. Please.”

Arthur’s face completely changed as it seemed to register. He nodded busily, grabbing Gwaine by the collar and telling Morgana, “Stay with him. Come on Gwaine.”

There was so much noise coming from the other side. It was distracting them and then two kids were running at them. Gwen used the distraction to her advantage, hitting the men and moving to run away. But then the one with the knife grabbed her and as the chaos surrounded them, it all threatened her life.

The knife’s vicious blade slipped, right into her side. She froze, feeling her equilibrium lost, a stabbing shooting pain flooding her body. “Oh God…” Gwen cried out, holding her side in agony.

The man dropped her and went to go fight the kids with his friend.

Gwen pressed her palm desperately into the dirt to keep from allowing the knife to fully impale her. “Oh…” She wrenched out, eyes tearing, vision faltering.

“Ooooh…” She moaned again, in much pain. Red hot shards of it, exploding inside. She crawled aimlessly.


“If they hurt her-

“Sssshhh…” Morgana told him softly.

Her hands kept moving over him. What was she doing? It was almost like it was making his wounds continue to hurt less. But none of that made sense. “What are you-how…”

He asked her again and again, incriminating questions, and her face changed. Seemed to fear. Before she lowered her head rapidly, forced his lips to open up and accept her kiss. Desperation forcing the play.


“Where is she?” Arthur asked as they started fighting the other two guys, and then heard a not so desired answer.

“Stabbed her. She went down. Ha. Bitch deserved it.”

Arthur’s fist connected with the man’s jaw, slamming so hard his face vibrated, before he hit the dirt with an ugly thud. Gwaine stared at him for a moment.

Maybe it had been luck that Morgana had been careless with the gas tank again. They stalled and then as they were looking for a station, Arthur could feel it in his mind. Trouble. He just didn’t know why or how. It simply led him here. It led him to her.

But where was she?

Arthur told him, “I have to.”

They seemed to be having some private conversation in between all the battle. Gwaine shook his head. “Don’t you dare.”

“What if she’s hurt badly? I’m doing it.”

“You’re out of your mind. They’ll find out.”

“I have to take the chance.” Arthur ran away from him then, searching, as Gwaine cursed, and viciously had the fight’s advantage. For now he was furious. And at the same time, starkly scared.


Her breath was coming out in jumping jagged heaves. They only made her hurt more. She could hear unpleasant moans, somehow registering they were hers. It hurt so badly. Everything was twisting and wavering in her mind. And what ached most was not having it anymore. It was lost somewhere in the dirt. She was going to die, never finding it again.

No. Had to get it back.

Gwen crawled, avoiding the ugly handle sticking out of her body, tears vacating her eyes so rapidly. She tried so hard. Searched.

And then heard it.


It was a voice, low in timbre, and definitely not Merlin. But it sounded supportive, caring, and so…

“I’m here. I’m here. Help me please. Help me…”

Arthur gasped as he heard it. He looked in the direction, seeing her on her knees, almost lying on the ground, clutching her side with bloody fingers, her other hand pressed into the desert ground for leverage. Dirt and tears stained her cheeks. And she looked deathly pale. “Oh.”

He ran forward, falling to his knees, grasping under her arms gently. “It’s okay. It’s okay.” He murmured helplessly, glancing down at the knife that was sunk into her flesh. He grimaced hard, but then heard her say it.

“Please find it.”


Gwen lifted her bloodied hand, touched his shoulder. “Please.” It was him. Maybe he could see it. “Please find my space-glass. It was a present from my mom. And she died two years ago. I can’t lose it. Please.”

He stared down at her. The desperation in her voice was violently needing. He had to help her physically, but first-

“Okay.” He looked down at the ground, looked all around them, and then, silver, color.

He pressed forward, still holding her against his chest, getting it, and putting it into her hands. “Okay. There. See. It’s fine.”

She clutched it in her shaking fingers. Crying. From pain. And from relief. “Thank you.”

He just nodded, before gesturing downward, her head now cradled against his chest, her back resting against his ribs. “I have to get the knife out.”

She shook. “Better to leave it in, isn’t it? I’ve always heard...”

He pressed his hand against her shoulder. “Shhhh. I know. I want to be a doctor. But Gwen, I can do it. You just need to trust me. You need to look into my eyes. And you can’t look away. Okay? I need to see your eyes the whole time Gwen. Look at me. And don’t turn.”

His fingers caressed her cheek, coaxed. She looked up, seeing the blue of them, gazing at her with concern and comfort. And something else.

“Why?” She asked.

Arthur swallowed down, shaking his head. “No. Don’t ask. Just do it. Alright?”


He moved his hand, grasped the knife’s handle and pulled. Hard. Hearing her scream as it came out, feeling her shudder against him. It tore at his heart, but he pressed his fingers hard against her cheek.

“Keep looking. Keep your eyes on mine. Gwen. Stay with me.”

She heeded, painfully. And felt it, his warm hand pressing against her flesh, her shirt lifted as he kept it there.

Arthur locked his eyes with hers. Kept them there powerfully, feeling it take him over. The connection. Started. He was inside. Her memories. Hearing words. Names. Seeing her hitting some bothersome girls. Befriending that weird kid, Merlin. Laughing with a beautiful woman. Crying at her bedside. And it kept rolling into his heart. That name.

“Guinevere…” He whispered. Never knowing it, but now he did. He could feel it, as his body started to heave, his breath heavy. The blood was fading from her side, just a little left, just enough hopefully.

“ARTHUR. We have to go!”

The voice interrupted. Coming out of the connection, Arthur could hear it, sirens.

“Come on! You got to leave her! You did it, now let’s go!”

They were coming closer. He looked down, seeing her staring at him questioningly, just a bit still weakly, seeing the silver glow of a handprint on her body.

Gwaine looked down at it with disgust. “Oh crap. Get rid of it!”

Gwen felt dazed. What were they talking about? And did he call her Guinevere? No one ever called her that, but her…

But he couldn’t know that.

Oh, it still hurt a bit. Felt so much better now, but…

“You’re going to be fine now.” He whispered and blew over her side.

Gwaine sighed relief as finally the glaring sign faded away. But Arthur was breathing heavily and they still had to get Morgana. While the sirens were getting closer. “Come on!” He reached out, grasped Arthur’s collar, tugged on him viciously.



Gwaine was already running into the bushes, getting Morgana. Merlin watched with shock as they seemed in such a hurry suddenly. Shock after fascinating surprise when Morgana kissed him to shut him up. “Gwen?” He asked. Gwaine glanced down at him for only a second, stating dryly, “She’s going to live and they didn’t get anywhere with her.”


They were yelling for him. Arthur gazed down at Gwen with something strong in his eyes. Connection. He touched her cheek, watching as she lost consciousness. Then knowing it was foolish, but not caring, just wanting to keep her warm, he laid his jacket over her chest, curled it under her neck and kissed her brow.

“Guinevere…” He murmured.


And then raced away.


That was the night…when he captured me. And later I captured him. I saved him like he saved me. But that’s the other part of this story, for another time. For now…he smiles at me. Calls me it.



He kisses me, gently brings me down to the bed. Tastes my lips. My cheeks. My breasts. My stomach and then…


I rock into his hold. I wave, his lover, his friend, his ally. I stroke his skin as he finds entrance. And we are inside and outside each other. We are coiled and separated. He’s my alien lover. He’s my Arthur. He whispers my name like no one else. He touches my space-glass like it is a connection to him. Because it is. Because we are connected.

Captured by each other.


Good night. Time to wrap up this diary entry. My lover desires me. And I so desire him.

Until next time.

I am Gwen Legrance. I am in love with an alien. And he with me.

If we must run, we run together.

September 23rd, 2017.

Somewhere outside of Roswell, New Mexico


Force of Destiny & Love
Written for: ag_fics Fic Battle 2.0
Prompt: vexena_sky- Star Wars crossover, Arthur is the last jedi master who keeps being alone while others around him find love until he meets Gwen
Characters: A/G, Emrys, Elyan, Mordred, Unnamed woman is Morgana
Rating: PG / Crossover with Star Wars


They’re all gone. His old friends. His comrades. They’ve moved on to that other world. Seen the light of the force and embraced it.

Where did everything go wrong? It hurts to be alone. To be the last. He never saw himself getting so far without another. He never imagined, he’d be so one with the force and yet have none to share it with. It’s lonely walking the planets, going to Tatooine to the old cantina Luke once jokingly introduced him to. Or Coruscant, where there is always a blaze of air traffic.

Naboo. Dagobah. He has traveled to so many places and never found that special other being.

Heaving a heavy sigh, he departs his bare apartment in Coruscant’s western district.

It’s quite different from his upbringing in Malastare, a planet of swamps and thick forests. That’s why he and Luke could joke so often. While he grew up in mazes of trees, Luke lived in oceans of sand. They both knew what it meant to live somewhere remote.

He comes to it now.

There is a tunnel he must go through to reach his destination: one of the old jedi schools that was placed here years ago after the rise, and it lasted through the fall, of Vader. A myth has been going around that there are no more dark lords. Even the ones who came after Vader are said to be departed. He has heavy doubts about that.

They are wise doubts, as the regular foot traffic of the tunnel fades away. It becomes eerily silent and vacant. He scans carefully, his strong force sense telling him he is not alone. And of this he is right.

Four beings appear from the eastern side of the tunnel, just a slight glimmer in the threads of darkness.

One is a woman with dark hair and green eyes. She glares at him with what he swears is hatred, and yet he has no recall of her. She wears one of those form fitting jumpsuits like Mara Jade used to, before she became Mara Skywalker. Only thing is this woman’s is blue in color, not green. Beyond her is a creature of reddish skin that is of no understanding to him. He’s never seen such a being. Next to that creature are two men, one who he does recognize grimly well.


“Ah…you remember me Arthur. I’m pleased.”

“I thought I killed you.” Arthur answers evenly. He must hold to the force. No fear. Calm. As he reaches for his saber.

“You thought wrong Arthur.” The younger man states, a dark glimmer of a smile upon his lips.

Release any anger. Let the peace flow. It has been so many years and now he is back again, one of his greatest foes. This man killed his baby sister and his mother. Nearly drove him to the dark side before Luke was his saving.

Mordred catches his preventive movement. “Oh…I thought we could just talk Arthur. Talk about your mother. What was her name again? Or that adorable little sister of yours…”

That’s it. A fury is unleashed that Luke used to warn him about. From his mouth elicits a hearty battle cry as his saber slashes through the air. It’s name is Excalibur. It is like no other lightsaber for as much as it was crafted by the force, it was also breathed upon by one of the rarest of creatures, now said to be extinct. A Star Dragon. It gives his lightsaber some very special qualities that come out as his mad fury causes him to whip around with his sword angrily, so full of raging emotion.

So full of foolishness. This fight will end with his death if he doesn’t cool it. He has always been a master of battle, keen to his body’s abilities and strength after many years of endurance training. His force side too is stout, but not like this, not when his mind and heart dabble into the evils of unbalanced emotion.

And so Arthur, a very skilled, and last jedi master, once king of his legion, breathes in and out slowly. Lets the force flow through his body.

Calm. The light side.

He will not let Mordred’s taunting get the best of him.

Soon Arthur is fighting with finesse and the precision a jedi master should exhibit. Fear is far from his thoughts and so is anger, but it seems it will not be enough. Mordred too is one of the most skilled fighters of his own kind, those that travel deep into the dark side of the force. And with three friends to assist him who are also very adept fighters, Arthur instinctively knows this fight will not end well for him.

He must find a way out. Look for an escape path, a place to jump to.

As there is a lull in the fighting, simply seconds but every count of time is precious, and he takes a quick glance upward, he sees only the tunnel’s shallow ceiling. He will somehow have to keep fighting, tire out his opponents, he realizes soberly, even if the fight is fiercely unfair.

“Four against one.

Well that’s not very force-like is it. Say we give him a little assistance?”

It is almost as if they heard his sobering thoughts as now there are four others joining in the battle, giving Arthur the assistance he needs. While Arthur deftly fights Mordred and the creature, the one woman of their group goes after the female from Mordred’s group.

Arthur notices in a moment of distraction that is odd for him that she has dark curls of hair, is wearing a lavender tunic coat, which she sheds in seconds, and underneath a halter of gleaming purple. Her raven colored pants are tucked in by matching boots. He can’t help but marvel at her technique, so enmeshed in calm and control as her lightsaber lets out a glow of lavender brilliance.

His inattention costs him soon. He has no idea where it comes from, just feels the sharp and sudden burst of pain his chest. All too rapidly, as shouts surround him, the cave’s light fades away…


“How’s he doing?”

“It’s a deep wound. But he’ll heal. Emrys do you still have those bacta treatments?”

“Yeah, let me get them. Elyan, go stand guard on the door. No telling if our friends might make a comeback. Be right back Gwen.”


“Shhh…” Hands press into his chest, gentle soft fingers. “Calm…feel the light of the force. Everything’s alright.”

“Who are you?”

Emrys comes back into the room now, smiling down at him. “Ah, so you’re awake. Good. Maybe you can tell us what all that was about.” Arthur’s eyes stay on the woman. Emrys shrugs. “Alright, I get the picture. Take good care of him Gwen. I have a feeling he’s one of the good guys, if a bit reckless.”

Arthur recalls what they were talking about with a disgusted look. “Bacta…no tank…”

“No.” She tells him firmly. “They’re in capsules. Now just lie still.”

“Who are you?”


She hesitates for a moment. “I’m Guinevere. That’s my given name.”

“I’m Arthur.”

She smiles. “I know. We heard him talking to you.”

“You have the force?”

“Yes. We all do. My brother, Elyan. Emrys, our friend. We’ve just been careful about using it.”


Her look is pained, before she shakes her head. “No. Just rest.”

Arthur lifts up to sit though, holding onto the sofa bench for support. This must be their dwelling. He gazes upon her as she turns away from him, puts the bacta treatments that are left over back into a bag.

He reaches out with no thought at all, just clear urge of heart. His lips press against hers, but it’s awkward as he’s unpracticed and he pushes a little too hard, getting her to protest. “I’m Sorry. Stupid of me.”

“Lie down.” She tells him firmly, but then, “It wasn’t stupid. Was that your first time?”

He shakes his head hard. “No. But first in a while.”

“Yeah…I thought that.”

He turns away from her, closing his eyes, embarrassed, but then soft lips press gently against his. And when he looks up dark beautiful eyes are staring down at him, a curious smile at the corner of just-inches-away lips. “I’ve only just met you and yet…it’s like…”

“I know. I just didn’t know you felt the same.”

She touches his cheek. “I do.”

“Then maybe you can tell me why you don’t use the force anymore. And I’ll tell you who we were fighting.”

Suddenly life is not so lonely as she nods her head and starts talking. As he can feel himself starting a whole new journey of force light, a venture of purpose, and a relationship of future.

Of destiny.

character: merlin/emrys, length: 1/2/3 parter, character: freya, character: gwaine, character: gaius, character: morgana, ✒writing: all my heart collection III, character: arthur, character: mordred, mood: multiple, character: elyan, type: alternative universe, ✍status: complete, character: guinevere

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