(no subject)

Mar 28, 2010 12:10

It's always the really twisted dreams that my memory seems to hold on to.

Take last night's, for instance.

Let's see...it involved a missing car, a house that could only be exited by the front door by waiting for the time of day that it sinks into the ground, demonically possessed children with vines growing out of their backs, someone sacrificing themselves in a fight to bring about the birth of a new deity that they were destined to do, and someone I knew years ago...that I knew I had a crush on, admitting they they were really a girl all this time, and had feelings for me. And kissing.

It's like my Subconscious is in my head, sitting at a card table with my Id, Ego, Superego, and inner child, playing poker and trading "Almost Got 'im" stories.
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