Jan 04, 2006 13:00
Instead of making a resolution for New Years every year, I always end up making a "To-Do" List for the next year. I tend to get more accomplished this way. I posted mine from last year and as I review it I'm disappointed in some of the stuff I didn't accomplish, but I'm pretty proud of the stuff I did. Here's last years list:
My 2005 Resolutions / To Do List:
1. Try not to take myself and everyone else so seriously all the time. Laugh more. Definitely did well on this one. My life is happier, more lightweight, laughter, not so much drama. I like it.
2. Continue the never-ending fight against wanting to gossip all the time. It only leads to bad things and drama. Well...there was less drama? (Sometimes)
3. Read at least one non-school book a month, preferably a classic. (Lots of Jane Austen on the list, a few others as well) Very disappointed I didn't do well on this one. I need to read MORE fun stuff.
4. Get on the Dean's List again for the next 2 semesters. (Now that I did it last semester I'm determined to never be off it again) I did it this past semester but not in the spring (stupid ONE class away), but I'll do it again for my last semester
5. Establish a solid base of a savings account for myself- aka, actually save money Um, yeah...lots of debt later...
6. Make 2-5 "real" meals a week (with side dishes, not just frozen foods, maybe some rice or something...) I'm really working on this, but its more or less of a 2 meals and not 5
7. Apply for 5 journalism scholarships to get my dad off my back a little I did apply, didn't get them :(
8. Apply for at least 3 internship possibilities for next summer Not so much
9. Go home to see mom and dad more often DEFINITELY accomplished this one, and I'm glad I have :)
My 2006 Resolutions/ To-Do List
1. Pay off my credit cards and then CUT THEM UP
2. Get on the Dean's List my last semester
3. Get a good-paying job after I graduate
4. After school gets out, read for fun much more often
5. Do well on the LSATs
6. Establish a savings account for myself with a substantial amount of money in it
7. Apply to law school in September
8. ENJOY my last 4 months as an irresponsible college student :)