(no subject)

Feb 25, 2010 16:17

Colloquium went all right.  Got a few tough questions at the end of my talk.  I thought of all the different ways in which I could've answered them better afterwards.  Oh well, at least it's highlighted things I want to emphasize in my thesis.

Went to traditional Chinese song and dance concert at the town hall, performed by artists from Yunan in China.  The traditional ethnic minority dances were quite interesting, though I doubt the real traditional costumes would've been as fluoro as they were on stage.

Was running from the car park to the town hall because we were running late.  Bad idea, since I'm now bleeding again. :(  But it's an excuse for getting T to keep doing all the housework. :D

Reading William Harley's Marriage Builders website.  He writes about marriage from a Christian perspective, but I think some of his concepts are applicable to all relationships, like the "love bank" (we're constantly making deposits into, and withdrawals from, our account in each other's "love bank";  our "account balance" in someone's love bank determines how the person feels about us, and the quality of our relationship with them).
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