Feb 01, 2010 18:09
Dinner with In-laws and Parents
It went all right. Phew. Although Parents criticized my cooking, while In-laws told me they thought the dinner was great. I guess that's what you get when you're Asian and the only Asian food you can cook is the Westernized version out of a Women's Weekly recipe book.
Proof I am neurotic
Two weeks ago I emailed the undergrad course coordinator asking what the student feedback was like for last year. She didn't respond, so I spent the entire two weeks angsting about the possible reasons why ("Maybe we got negative feedback?", "Maybe they specifically said I was a crappy tutor and Coordinator's too embarrassed to tell me?", etc etc). She replied today saying we got generally good feedback, and she hadn't responded earlier because she was ill.
Spent the last couple of months just writing notes rather than really writing the thesis. Expecting to get a blasting from one of my supervisors on Friday, but I'm sort of used to it by now. The colloquium is in less than three weeks, so I need to give supervisors a draft presentation on my work this Friday. I feel like I'm cramming for an exam.