(no subject)

Apr 05, 2004 19:37

Hello once again to all my loyal readers. Some of you may have been taken back a little when you read my previous journal, yes I did have some sexual realtions with a goat and yes I did enjoy it. But that is in the past now and because were all adults here we can move on to better and brighter things. I'm sure by now Megan is all like "I can't believe that he's actually posting things on his live journal!" and Noraj with a J is looking at her "massage" book otherwise known as a porno mag all the while thinking of her soon to be boyfriend. For privacy reasons I will not disclose his name we'll just call him Brendan H. wait... that's too obvious we'll call him B. Hills. For those of you who are not aware of the whole B. Hills incident let me refresh you. Nora with a J was naked and on top of him and he wanted to play videogames. I can't think of anything else to write about so I'll leave you with some words of wisdom.
I can't think of anything.
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