May 17, 2006 23:26
Ok, here's the deal. It is summer time, yes it is still shitty outside, the weather will get better, and when the weather gets better I want to start up walking and/or running. Since Kryssy (my oringial walking buddy) isn't going to be around basically all summer, I am in need for a new walking buddy. I usually prefer to walk in the evening/night because it is cooler outside, but whenever will work as well. Here are the perks:
-Exercise, and after this past school year I could spare some pounds.
-Being outside is always nice.
-Fellowship: it's always nice to talk to someone. Especially about music, movies, and basically life.
-Me: I think I'm a pretty decent person, so why not.
If you're interested let me know. You must be reliable, as in you are willing to go on walks whenever. I really like to walk, so I'm up for it whenever. Since I've been home I've pretty much sat around unless I'm working. Other than that I'm lazy and could use the exercise. Plus it would be nice to chill out. -Jason-