Sometimes, I've to remind myself that this blog exists, and Twitter: not a blog, as much as I'd love to use it like one. Here's a quick update on the life of I.
To start off, I didn't take the job. I didn't have to give a reason for not taking it. Somehow, and rather surprisingly, Dad wasn't too keen on it either. He told me this ... after I'd turned down the offer. Yeah.
I've been hard at work on Chemistry. You know, my Harry Potter fanfic, the one about Oliver Wood. I've written about fifteen pages so far (which doesn't seem like a lot, but it is to me, trust me), and that doesn't include the countless rewrites (which exist because I was making it up as I went along, and in the end, it didn't sit right with me). I'm so proud of myself.
I've been Googling left and right to see if Oliver's going to be in Deathly Hallows. I like a sense of closure, thanks. Sean's IMDb, Wikipedia, and official website turned up zip. But I did find
this article, which says this:
Biggerstaff told me he's got a blink-and-you'll-miss-it part in the last Harry Potter [...]
AGH. On one hand, I'm a little miffed that it's [supposedly] such a small part, when if I recall correctly, Oliver had lines! It's just a couple, but still! On the other hand, though, I'm glad that he'll be in it, even if it's for a couple of seconds, because they're bringing back Viktor Krum, and I don't even remember him being in DH! (Google fixed that, though.)
I'm halfway through Goblet of Fire. I'd like to think my plan to reread the series before the release of DH is failing, because I'd planned to read one book a month. Seven books, seven months - it's just right. Alas, I'm speeding through them like nobody's business, so ... yeah. I can't help it, it's so addictive! All the memories ... ~
I ordered this two weeks ago, after exams ended, and it only came today. I'm a bit bummed that it took so long, because the last time I ordered something from Play-Asia, it took just one week. And from what I could make out of the stamp on the package, it was released by our local customs the day after it was shipped out (which was the day after I ordered it). But well, as long as I got it safe and sound ...
Okay, what is "it", you ask?
Well, say hello to ...
My copy of Pokémon SoulSilver! FUCK YEAH.
I haven't started playing yet, because I couldn't decide on a starter. But I've made up my mind on who I'm going to pick already, so I'll start tomorrow, most likely.
As it's been a long time since I last posted photos, I'll end off this post with some snails I found in my backyard.