I did get to take a picture of the cute bassist from King Kong Jane using my iPhone yesterday. I wanted to use my N73, but its light sensor is capable of blinding a person and thus, would betray my sneakiness, so I opted for my iPhone instead. Again, I bemoan my decision not to bring along my D90.
He's the one on the right, in the green-and-white shirt.
With that, that short, short chapter of my life is done (unless I get to see him again, of course!). And another one - albeit not so short; its effects ought to last longer - has begun today. I cut and dyed my hair! It's the same shade as what I used to highlight my hair almost a year ago.
I'm sorry, but you'll need to bear with my mug on your friends page for quite some time - but not if your friends page moves fast.
Since I'm on a photo roll, here are some more. Honing my skills, I am.
Bro bought a new handphone for Dad as a belated birthday present. Soon, it'll be my turn to have a new handphone!
We break up the Paris spam with a photo of yours truly, the one behind the camera. Obviously, this was taken before I got my hair done.
And we return to the Paris spam.
Thankfully, that's the last one ...
... of that batch.
*kri* I raised you! And this is the thanks I get?!
Paris: Okay, I'm sorry! Forgive me, please?
No! You're four pictures too late for that!
... I kid, I kid.
I wonder if the shape's done on deliberate.
I should post this every time someone uses the following word: "stucked". As in, "FOR FUCK'S SAKE, STOP USING THE WORD 'STUCKED'! THERE IS NO SUCH FUCKING WORD!"
The difference is as clear as night and day!
*shrugs* I've been hanging around too much at Lowyat.NET. (They love to take pictures of the moon there.)