I need to learn how to grow a thicker skin and be less affected by people's words; I need to learn to accept them, learn from them, and move on as soon as possible if I want to get to the end of this not a broken person. No more than I already am, at least.
I'm considering overhauling and revamping my Sims. As in, I want to delete Cedar Shores and start afresh with a new, different playing approach.
Okay, I'm just going to come out and say this, possible backlash be damned: I'm interested in Twilight again, albeit mildly, and not to the extent of fangirlism I exhibited when we were first introduced. I can't wait for when I get to watch the movie with
seanachais this weekend, even though the viewer reviews have been awful and I'd probably bust a gut laughing myself, and I'm slowly falling in love with the soundtrack. I also feel like rereading the book. I blame the influx of Twilight posts on
ohnotheydidnt in the past few weeks as well as RPattz's and KStew's prettiness for this. Oh, dear.