I really shouldn't have looked at those blogs...

Nov 20, 2008 21:45

So since I am completely incapable of concentrating on one thing at a time, while keeping up with the Tech-Miami game, working, and studying for my cogneuro exam, I started reading medical blogs. Very bad idea. Now I am probably three or four tasks behind in my studying (seriously, I'm scared I'm going to fail this exam becuase my brain wasn't working for a month), but further, I've started entertaining the idea of picking up the few requirements I still need, taking the mcat, and tring the med school route. This will pass. Eventhough I wanted to be a doctor for over 18 years, I know it will pass again. I realized that I liked studying medicine from the outside more than I wanted to actually be the doctor.  There are any number of reasons, but I think that is the most important. Tonight, however, a part of me has forgotten that. Its gone back to the 13 year old completely enthuasiatically signing up to be i the first class of students in a Medical science magnet high school.

This will pass.

Thankfully though it happened after registration otherwise I might have ended up having to get out of organic and physics II.

Plus, even if I had tried, there is no way a med school would accept me with my First/Second year grades. Its probably good that this will pass and I will go back to wanting to do Grad work in public health/medical sociollogy/programs that look alot like what I'm doing now but with more medicine and on a higher level.

Who knows? There's always the possibility that I could decide in a few years that I've changed enough that I could make this work and retake those Cs to see where things go. I can always dream. Right?

gt, magnet program, i want to be a doctor, schs

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