Mar 30, 2005 22:40
I've finally started putting together my English Oral, haha. Im only going up Friday, I have plenty of time. I'll probably be up all night tomorrow, but that's my fault and I can only blame myself! haha.
So, Brooks completely ripped my monologues apart! lol and Searcy Foote is now like completely not Oh well, I mean, lord, we have a whole week to change all our characters and have us remember it :D --sarcasm is a beautiful thing lol.
~~It's a shame that so many find that they must change themselves solely to feel comfortable in their surroundings. I know I've done it. We've all done it and it's a shame that we never can accept who we are. It's so psychological. When you are not accepted as a person, you feel unwanted and even "not normal". It has such a psychological effect on us, especially children. Even if a child is later accepted, that underlying feeling that they are not normal still lingers and no matter how well life may be, they are never satisfied because they think that who they are is not "right" yet who they're trying to be isn't who they want to be---A person may even change their attitude, personality, and their body language according to who they are around---I think I've heard it described as the chameleon effect. I wish life didn't work how it does; it hurts to see a friend does what they feel is necessary for acceptance and happiness when true happiness, true friendship can only be achieved through being themself.