May 31, 2002 00:26
Transportation tendencies of the early second millenium: cataclysm, adaptation and necessity,
a forray into second millenium technological progress.
"Necessity is the mother of Invention" - fragment found throughout much literrature and expository writing of the late first and early second millenium.
Surely the above quote expresses a certain practical common knowledge, much of human achievement has come out of expressed necessity. Our situation changes and so the yeast of humanity finds ways to circumvent obstacles. In this paper we the Antropology team of the Antarctic Republic University, will discuss the findings of our most recent expedition into the sub-tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
As our theories have suspected for some time, the begining of the second millenium was met with many changes on the earths surface which presented humanity with many opportunities to excersize
their pencheant for innovation. Our exhibition found a trend in the end of the first millenium towards the production of rugged, all terrain vehicles, with rugged suspention, and vast ammounts of storage capacity. These vehicles seemed to be widely distributed and purchased (allow me to remind the reader that the humans of this era were still in a latent phase of Capitalism), despite their large exteriors and lack of fuel efficiency. It is widely known that space was becoming a valuable commodity at this time and based on recent geological surveys petrolium-based fuels were becoming scarce. The only explanation for this phenomenon is as a consequence deep drilling beneath the earths crust, polar ice seeping inland (consequently into deep unedrgound porous rock), and ultra violet radiation affecting the surface, the Earths crust became soft. Now before you scoff at this theory I will cite Dr. Nerulu's published paper "environmental catastrophies of the early second millenium," Faulkland Univerrsity Press, 2345, where he discussed a similar, then greatly contested theory, we now hope to orroborate. These Automobiles appear in tandem with the appearence of increasingly light and versatile footwear, often incorporating springs and air pockets... presumably for light travel over the softening surface. We also found that despite the trend to urbanism populations began to build wide as opposed to the century long tradition of building "up" and migration to urban centers.
..... allright so i had this idea over the weekend... its an homage to Humberto Echo who did a similar piece a long time ago.. .and despite its potential i decided i dont want to go through as much effort, and as many drafts to really tighten it and make it work...
but i hadnt posted in a while so there ....