Nov 06, 2002 21:00
the quiet din went uninterrupted for as long as it could be bared.
e-flat stuck its neck out but did not call, persisted for 10.07 minutes, and gave up.
no one had called for a good long while, growing complacent and self loathing in their burrows etched out of steelplate and rusted iron.
describing the ascent of , what exactly? it was a question of scale really,
they had all seen this before, it was a cyclical event but was always forgotten the moment
a new theme began. It stretched an lasted unspecified intervals, segmenting into irregular units each instant, passing or static in a fine stacatto or imperceptable temporal shift, pitching and bowing in untold hues.
things did not change, improve or worsten, tumblers and scales long ago put in place to prevent the extrordinary... its intended distruction repeatedly thwarted by the heavy humid air, making its presence known, convincing all else not to hurry. It was by no means precise but rather persistent and meticulous.
yellow peeked out from above and decided it was time to surface. But mauve, always the reactionary as it were, coated him becoming a muted shit brown which would remain untouched, at least untill brown and sepia had cracked in half, too much pressure applied to their centers.