It's that time again...

Feb 13, 2006 00:26

Time for an update. That's right, folks..I've been a disappearo. Anyway, I just thought I'd bring you up to date on my life, seeing as I've managed to fall out of it yet again. For the nth time, as Binderz would say ( Read more... )

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30 books?! WOWEE! elladanrohir February 19 2006, 06:47:14 UTC
When I read your post, I ran all the way here. I'm really winded, it was a really long run.
Congrats for the new lap top. mine is covered in mud because Alfredo decided to sleep on it. I'm really glad things are going well with you and Dan. There is this guy I like (Third Year S.T.E [the same thing I'm doing]), but I don't think he knows I exist and he is this other girl's ex who is in 2nd year with me. He is also shorter than me (big surprise, eh?). Well, if nothing else, he likes horses...
It would be really cool if you could visit, last year I didn't really do as many exams as I could of, so now I am cramming and doing an exam about every 2 weeks. It's been really tough so far and I've only done 2 exams following this pace. We'll see how it goes for stable planning and architecture. Summer 2007 would be ideal, or even 2008 seeing as I want a 30 (100%) on my thesis I am probably going to take a year to do it seeing as I also want to go to Germany for a bit.
I can't wait until university is over. It's so difficult and sometimes I think that I am way over my head. I can't even comfortably write in Italian yet (my fault, I kept slacking off and writing in English). I thought I had made some good friends but sometimes they act as though they just don't care about me. It would be okay if they treated everyone like that, but it seems as though they just do it to me, but that story is in my diary. How is home life on that side of the planet?
btw, I don't know if you've heard of it but there is this thing called Skype ( and you download it and register (everything is free) and with a microphone attached to your computer you can call anyone (who also has skype) free. You just have to be connected to the internet. I haven't had time to download it, but it's also useful if you want to phone home (ET uses it!) from Guelph.

That's all for now, I've got to get back to my stable plan!




I really outdid myself that time... elladanrohir February 19 2006, 06:55:21 UTC
I wrote as I "could of". Haha. And that was after I re-read my entry and realized that instead of 'and' I kept writing 'at'.
I don't study English! I study Sciences. And not in English! HAH!


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