Wooo, I'm back with a new, homemade doujin! *dances* Be proud of me! (...please? ;_;)
Title: Bratja
Rating: PG-10
Genre: General/Angst
Pairings: None, really. (Traces of Royai, Elricest, maybe even RoyxEd if you squint hard enough.)
Warnings: Blood. Sketchy-ness. Really big font. Twisted, time-jumping plotline. Lyrics. (Yes, this is-- perhaps-- the world's first song-doujin (as opposed to song-fic, I suppose).)
Summary: "I made you a promise, Al."
Download Link:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/nsl77f PS. I debated long and hard about uploading this. See, I'm utterly broke-- and all of my fanwork is interfearing with my drive to get a job. ^_^; Pathetic, I know, but true. That in mind, I considered selling copies of this for a couple of bucks... but, in the end, chose not to. (Why? For multiple, rather boring reasons.) To get to the point, in exchange for this free present, I expect that-- if you ever meet me in Artist's Alley at a con-- you buy yourself a hard copy. Fair exchange? ^_~