<’But what is it?’> Ward cocked his head this way and that, staring at the frost and snow spread across the clearing.
Perched just inside his den, the snow stuff was disturbingly white and clean. With its arrival the air had gotten much colder than it was the disastrous evening before. He pushed away all thoughts of bloody heads, glazed eyes
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"Hard water", hee!
I loved how you referenced the equivalent exchange principle! Leaves and sticks into foot pelts, couldn't Ward use dirt? Or does it not have the right elements?
I am so distressed over the whole pack debacle. I like Alfons! Sting is crazy, and not a good mate, imho, but that is what joining the pack means! I had forgotten that.
Ward is extraordinarily dense when it comes to mating, but that is so in character. Edward needs relationship stuff explained really plainly, canonically. I really hope that Sting isn't too unpleasant about it, or that Alfons is the one to...explain. :)
A few things:
Lots of practice at the riverbank had taught him so, along with patience that not everything will be right immediately. Tense problem there.
Oh, that was right. Joining the pack business. This is the second time the "pack business" was brought up, so it rings wrong to me that he's just realizing this.
<’I’m not anyone’s. I am me.’> Did you mean ( ... )
Mating will be explained to him soon :D Someone needs to explain the birds and the bees to him - in fact, you just reminded me about something I needed to tweak in regards to that talk with that person.
The last section would have happened later that night/early morning (thinking 3amish).
I'm not entirely sure how weather would work in Amestris, but in the places I have lived it will slowly get coldish then in the space of a day/night you get coooold frost/snow snap and come out the next day to snow (shudder). Lets pretend this national park will be somewhere to the north. :D
The birds and the bees, coming soon to a theater near you! Yes...
Yeah, I can sorta see the timeline, now that it's explained, I've never camped outside in the north (or at all), although I did live in Minnesota for a year.
Also I'm a shy scardy-cat
I am, rather unfortunately, stuck in a horribly cold place very far south. It'd be fine if I was camping but...
I know, it's scary to be out there (here?). I almost couldn't show my English papers to a writing concrit group at school (I did it once, and then ran for the hills). Posting comments to the fic I read gives me pause, some days. Also, the fanfic I'm writing now? Will never see the light of day, in all likelihood.
I really do like our arrangement, as long as you don't mind having your mistakes pointed out in the comments (which we've been doing since the beginning, so I guess not). Have a great day, and happy writing.
Hence the semi-anonymous account. I feel awkward being associated with an attempt at fictional writing, although I'm not sure why. No-one knows me and I'm not a horrendous author.
You could share your fic like I am doing? Anonymously :D You might end up with a couple of nice readers too :D
(and for some reason, two readers means more to me than 1000 art fans :O )
Thanks for the encouragement, I've been considering setting up a fic account so I don't have to worry about my personal life being out there. It certainly seems to work for you!
(anonymous on the internet is not at all upsetting.)
It's working great! Only two...maybe three people ever knew about this account and I don't think it will ever occur to any of them to check up on it!
-Elric_ward on a fiddly MAC that won't let me log in
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