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dream_departed April 17 2007, 00:19:15 UTC
It's [insert appropriate day of the week here], so Aya-chan has brought food and cleaning supplies for Nagi's apartment. She knocks. When there is no answer, she lets herself in with a key.

The scream she makes when she sees the foot tall puddle of blood oozing toward her would put any horror movie heroine to shame. She drops the food and supplies.

Her first thought is to get far away, but her second thought (that Nagi is going to be pissed when finds out his stuff is ruined) makes her go into the blood drenched apartment.

She slides through the remaining puddle of blood and grabs what looks like the most expensive laptop and easily portable techno toys. She has to scrunch her eyes almost closed because the blood falling in them stings.

She slips on the blood in her haste to leave. Her head collides with the edge of the coffee table and the computer and toys go flying across the room.


apocalypsesword April 17 2007, 00:29:50 UTC
Ren's been up on the roof for some time today. It's a nice day with a strong breeze, and the smell of the herbs growing on the roof makes a good change from... whatever their neighbor had been trying to do in his apartment.

So, when he hears a scream, it's only a matter of seconds before he's down to his balcony, through his apartment, and rushing through the front door. Of course, then there's a good ten seconds of horror and disgusted gagging as he finds his feet drenched in blood. Ren is not so good with blood.

He manages to force himself to the door of the other apartment, and lo and behold, there's someone in there. That's not good. More blood is still falling from the sprinklers and the blood now in the hallway is oozing its way toward other doors. Great.

He quickly moves to the person's side. As quickly as one can move through a river of blood anyway. He's trying to ignore the blood dripping down the back of his neck. It takes him a second to recognize her under all the blood. "Aya-chan?"


dream_departed April 17 2007, 00:38:48 UTC
Aya hears her name being called very far away. She tries to lift her head. It takes more effort than it should and feels wrong. She touches her hand to her forehead. It's bloody. Everything is bloody. She remembers and comes back to herself enough to notice the bloody she is laying in and that still coming down on her.

Nagi is going to be really mad now. She dropped his computer.

She tries to get up. Her head still feels like it's been stuffed with rotting fruit and she isn't breathing right.


apocalypsesword April 17 2007, 00:45:10 UTC
Ohshitshitshit. He'll help her up if she'll let him. Hopefully he won't need to carry her, but he will if he has to. They both just need to get out of here now. He'll think about everything else once he can think.


dream_departed April 17 2007, 00:50:30 UTC
Aya is able to get herself up by using the coffee table as support. She has noticed Ren, but he doesn't seem quite as important as collecting the stuff she dropped. She starts to slip again she walks toward the computer, but this time manages to stop herself before she falls.


apocalypsesword April 17 2007, 00:53:23 UTC
Attempting to go anywhere but toward the door means he makes a frantic grab for her arm. He's not panicking, either. Whatever it may or may not look like, he is completely and totally not panicking. "What are you doing? We have to leave!"


dream_departed April 17 2007, 01:04:22 UTC
Aya lets herself be grabbed. She is too dazed to avoid it. She doesn't have the best balance right now, so grabbing at her makes her stumble again. If Ren doesn't let go, she may take him with her as she falls.


apocalypsesword April 17 2007, 01:13:01 UTC
He'll do his best to make sure she doesn't hit anything this time, but that's about all he can do. The feel of the blood under them and falling on them and.. He shakes his head. No time to think about that now. Focus. "We can't stay here. We have to get you somewhere else and get this.. stopped. Please?"

Hopefully that 'please' didn't sound too desperate, but he isn't sure how much longer he can stand this without Rai.


dream_departed April 17 2007, 01:18:10 UTC
It's the please that gets her attention. She pushes herself to her feet once again and starts moving in the direction of the door.

((Mun needs to go out for a bit. Thank you for the rp.))


apocalypsesword April 17 2007, 01:23:49 UTC
Oh thank god, whichever one might be listening. He scrambles up after her, pulling the door to Nagi's apartment closed behind them. At least that should slow the spread of the blood. His own apartment door is open, so he'll try to herd her in there, ignoring the blood seeping over the threshhold, and then try not to collapse right inside the doorway.

((Thank you!))


dream_departed April 17 2007, 23:28:23 UTC
Aya finally notices Ren's distress. She reaches out to put a blood-soaked comforting hand on his shoulder. “It's all right. We just need call Nagi and --” Oh, God, no. They would have to call Nagi, wouldn't they? “-- the management people in the basement.”

It may be the concussion, but it never occurs to her wonder why blood is raining down in Nagi's apartment. This is just the kind of thing that happens to her friends.


ashestoashes6 April 18 2007, 01:26:45 UTC
Rai's back from wandering aimlessly, and the first thing he notices when he walks in the building is the very distinct smell of blood.

Oh shit.

He takes the stairs two at a time, noticing the blood in the hallway--that is far too much blood to be coming from someone hopefully so some of the panic is gone, but still. Blood. Everywhere. He fumbles with his key for a moment before managing the lock, and swinging the door open. He notices Ren and Aya-chan first, Kaida bounds in and snuffles at both of them, whining. They look alright, covered with blood, but alright...thank God. Rai goes to the bathroom, and...okay, blood out of the faucets isn't cool, but at least now he knows where it's coming from.

"I'll be right back," he backs out the door. "It's in the water, I'm going to go turn it off." While ordinarily Rai would just fling himself down the stairs, he had to be a bit more careful with his shield not functioning, and while he went down as quickly as possible, he's probably going to be gone for a good ten or fifteen minutes.


apocalypsesword April 18 2007, 01:35:37 UTC
Ren blinks after Rai's in and out so quick, but he starts to relax. Rai could take care of it, then everything will be good. And he can get a shower before this all dries on him... maybe.

He smiles at Aya-chan, finally, although it's a rather weak smile. The comforting gesture is nice, even if it is bloody. They're both bloody, anyway. "You have a phone? Rai might have one, but I don't."


dream_departed April 18 2007, 03:06:37 UTC
Aya feels remarkably relieved to have Rai taking care of things. Until Ren mentions the cell phone. Aya nods. She reaches for her cell phone, hoping to find it broken. No such luck. She dials Nagi's number, cowardly hoping he won't answer.


killwithmymind April 18 2007, 03:10:05 UTC
Nagi answers on the third ring. And the answer is a rather groggy "Wha?" in some language.


dream_departed April 18 2007, 03:21:03 UTC
Aya mutters a curse word under her breath.

She makes herself smile even though she is talking on the phone. Her voice is unnaturally high from nervousness. “Nagi-kun, the sprinklers in your apartment are spraying blood. Can you come by?”

She scrunches her eyes shut and hold the phone slightly away from her ear even though she doesn't think Nagi will start shouting. Yet.


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