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More wealth requires more poverty. H.R. 1135 - Strikers Denied Food Stamps Forty-two million Americans use food stamps, something at odds with the "the economy is in recovery" bloviations from Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, the financial media, and all the sycophants that do their bidding. Okay, if you consider that there were 600,000 new millionaires added last year (mostly due to stock market increased thanks to those fine folks at Goldman Sachs who control the smoke and mirrors), that might look promising, until you see that 5,000,000 more people were added to the Food Stamp rolls. There is a correlation - more wealth requires more poverty. There is a tipping point when the number of people needing financial and food assistance exceeds the government’s ability or willingness to help those in need. The majority of these people were once contributing much of their hard earned wages to a system that, according to the PR machine, helps to ensure that no American goes to bed hungry. Now they need help but there is no middle class able or willing to ante up sufficient dinero to pay for social services and the Nobel Peace Prize-winning President's penchant for war, torture, and tyranny. Since the insanely wealthy pay little or any taxes and anyone who suggests the insanely wealthy pay their fair share of taxes is burned at the stake, we have a conundrum. There are not enough working stiffs to pay into the system. Someone has to pay taxes and it will not be the uber-wealthy. At this point the Federal government must cut the budget. Obviously the Peace President is not going to stop waging war, so the only alternative is to cut social services like Food Stamps. What’s next, Congressional salaries? Hell, no! The problem is that Congress sees those in need of assistance as competition for the smaller and smaller chunk of revenue being sent in by taxpayers. A few desperate boy geniuses in the House of Representatives have come up with a grand plan to satisfy both their greed and their penile insecurities by ratcheting up the level of subjugation of their constituency. If you want to strike, forget about feeding your family. These insipid little parasite have slipped in a clause or two that bans food stamps to entire families if one member goes on strike and loses his job (and thus income) from the strike. This can be found in H.R. 1135: Welfare Reform Act of 2011 - To provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide additional work requirements, and to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs.
- `(2) STRIKE AGAINST A GOVERNMENT- For the purpose of subparagraph (A)(iv), an employee of the Federal Government, a State, or a political subdivision of a State, who is dismissed for participating in a strike against the Federal Government, the State, or the political subdivision of the State shall be considered to have voluntarily quit without good cause.
- `(3) STRIKING WORKERS INELIGIBLE- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no member of a family unit shall participate in the food stamp program at any time that any able-bodied work eligible adult member of such household is on strike as defined in the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947 (29 U.S.C. 142(2)), because of a labor dispute (other than a lockout) as defined in section 2(9) of the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 152(9)): Provided, That a family unit shall not lose its eligibility to participate in the food stamp program as a result of one of its members going on strike if the household was eligible immediately prior to such strike, however, such family unit shall not receive an increased allotment as the result of a decrease in the income of the striking member or members of the household: Provided further, That such ineligibility shall not apply to any family unit that does not contain a member on strike, if any of its members refuses to accept employment at a plant or site because of a strike or lockout.'.
The bill also disqualifies someone from receiving food stamps if they quit their job. You might have a boss who is so demoralizing that you cannot be in his or her presence without wanting to commit an act of Hari Kari or work in a field that could be physically dangerous to an unborn child or any number of reasons to leave voluntarily a job to join the ranks of the poor and unemployed, but don’t expect Food Stamps.
The disconnect in Washington, D.C. is incredible. I keep thinking about Gerald Celente’s prognostications and Clif High and the webbot project results, angry mobs of people surrounding expensive cars. It's like a scene from India after a car accident. People will revolt. It will happen and all the money and political power in the world is not going to save the parasite from a hungry, angry mob.
Posted at 05:35 PM in
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