Fanfic: Fix You

Sep 17, 2012 22:24

Title:  Fix You

Rating:  PG-13 (some innuendos)

Pairing: Callie/Arizona

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Summary:  Just a little something funny/sweet that takes place a year or so after they’re married.  It involves the oh-so-common Arizona and her dangerous shoes combination.  No Mark/Sofia/Africa drama, though.  Enjoy!

A/N:  Forgive me, I know this is neither of the stories I started literally years ago and haven’t finished, but I’m just trying to get back into the swing of things.  This is just a little something to get back in the game.

Callie Torres was minutes away.  Four minutes, to be exact.  Four minutes away from two glorious days without a patient, without a surgery, without an emergency page.  She was four minutes away from not having a care in the world, other than deciding which kind of take-out to order and two weeks worth of laundry.  And as the seconds slowly ticked closer to just having three minutes left, a surgeon’s most dreaded nightmare became a reality-her pager went off.

It’s for this very reason that she’s dragging her feet to the Emergency Room, calculating which utensil she should use to assault the nurse or doctor who paged her here.  She walks into the brightly lit area to silence and the smell of cleaning supplies.  Nurses are chatting away, without a patient in sight and the frustration only continues to grow deep inside of her.  This better be good.

She finally spots the likely source of the page-a mousy looking Little Grey, shuffling her feet nervously in front of a trauma room and shooing people away like she’s a member of the Secret Service.

“Dr. Torres!” Lexie’s voice rings out across the room with a tiny crack of nervousness and an obnoxious wave.

“Little Grey, do you know what time it is?” Callie question is laced with annoyance and just a hint of bitch.  “You went to medical school, so I’m assuming they taught you that at some point-“

“Dr. Torres, there’s-“

“-It’s almost five o’clock, Grey!  And do you know what happens at five o’clock?  I get to go home.  I get to go home for two days without interns following me around like lost puppies and residents paging me to an empty ER for no reason.”

“I’m sorry, but ther-“

“I also get to go home and have sex.  You’re keeping me from sex with my wife, Little Grey,” Callie hisses out the last part after taking a step closer to make sure prying ears can’t hear her.  “Sex with a very hot, very talented woman who does this thing with-“

“Oh my god, stop!” Lexie’s hands fly to her ears like a little kid trying to escape a long lecture from her mother.  Callie simply smirks, proud to see the desired effect of her words.

If she has to be here, she might as well torture Little Grey as much as possible.

“That’s actually why I paged you here,” Lexie finally says under her breath, her eyes darting around suspiciously.

All Callie’s eyes show are confusion.

“You paged me here to talk about…sex?”

“No!  Of course not!  I paged you here for something…secret!  Something I was trusted with handling because apparently I have nothing better to do, like assisting in surgeries or getting in time at the skills lab-“

“Grey,” Callie interrupts in exasperation, waving her hand in the air to make it all stop.  “Could you ramble with less words-“

“It’s Dr. Robbins,” Lexie finally bursts out, making sure to keep her voice down.

A few seconds of silence pass before Callie tries to pry the rest of the words waiting to burst out of Lexipedia.

“Oookay.  Does she need a consult?”

“Yes, but…it’s not for a kid.  It’s kind…well, it’s for…her, actually.”

Her weekend of bliss quickly goes out of her mind and panic starts to set in.

“What do you mean?  Did something happen?”

“It’s nothing serious, it’s just um…well, she thought you would be mad,” Lexie whispers sheepishly.

“What do you mean?  Why would I be mad if she’s hurt…” Callie’s voice fades away as realization starts to hit.  One look at Lexie’s nervous gaze confirms her suspicion.  “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.”

She pushes aside the smaller woman in front of her and bursts through the trauma room door and there she is, in all her glory, sitting on an exam bed with an unnecessary amount of concerned doctors and nurses around her.  She looks the same as always, fitted in her dark blue scrubs and her hair pulled back in immaculate braids.  Part of her body is not quite the same, however.

“Arizona Robbins.”


Callie doesn’t have to look up to know that her wife’s eyes are adorably wide and filled with panic.  She’s too distracted by the swollen wrist that’s elevated and black and blue.  Callie Torres knows broken bones and this is most definitely a broken bone.  She also knows her wife and this is most definitely because of those damn shoes.

“You paged her?!” Arizona adds to her exclamation with a hard punch to Mark’s shoulder and if she weren’t so infuriated with her, Callie would be proud of the force behind the attack.

“Ow!” Mark’s girlish exclamation makes Derek chuckle beside him.

“I told you you were going to regret that,” Derek mumbles.

“I said not to!  At least not until I was heavily medicated,” Arizona adds a few more blows to the arm.  Bailey steps in just as her patient is reaching for the nearest and hardest utensil to throw.

“Okay, enough!  You knew someone was going to call her eventually and Sloan just happened to lose a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors to do the honor, so quit your bitchin’!” Bailey’s command shuts Arizona up for a moment.

“You played rock, paper, scissors to decide who would call her?”

“Hell yeah, she’s scary,” Bailey nods toward the woman standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and her lips pursed.

“Calliope, it’s not-“

“Seriously?!  I warned you about those stupid shoes, Arizona!  So many kids come in here with broken bones because of them and you didn’t listen!”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“You should be sorry!” Callie’s annoyance fades as soon as she watches her wife hiss in pain when an intern she’s never seen before moves the injured limb.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, Dr. Robbins!” the nervous doctor mumbles and gulps loudly.

“Why are you touching her?  Why is he touching her?” Callie directs her last question to Mark and adds a smack to the other shoulder.

“Ow, what the hell, I don’t know!  That’s gonna bruise, you know,” the plastic surgeon rubs the injured area for emphasis.

“Everybody out!” Callie yells to her fellow attendings, the few nurses, and two awkward interns quivering in fear.  When nobody makes a move, she raises a hand to Mark’s side, ready to strike.

“Ah, wait, don’t!” he flinches away.  “Okay, everyone out, seriously.  That vein in her forehead is starting to show.”

He manages to duck away before she can lay down another punch.  As everyone shuffles out of the room, Arizona grabs Bailey before she can leave.

“Bailey, please.  Don’t go, you can’t leave me here,” blue eyes are pleading desperately.

“Oho no.  I’m with her on those damn roller skates,” Bailey chuckles, points to the offending items, and yanks her arm away.  “Good luck.”

A few seconds later, Callie closes the door and spins around, looking just about ready to pounce.  She shuffles forward, pulling a tray table along with her and sits in front of her wife.  Her teary-eyed, pitiful wife who looks more afraid now than she did when Callie forced her to watch Silence of the Lambs.

“Oh, relax, I’m not gonna bite you,” Callie rolls her eyes and reaches for the injured wrist.  Her strong fingers gently lift the hand and elicit a tiny gasp of pain while she looks it over.  There is no room for pity when she makes her diagnosis.  She did warn her about those stupid things, after all.

“We need to get some scans, but I’m pretty sure it’s broken and you’re gonna need surgery.”

“Damn it,” Arizona curses and rolls her head back to face the ceiling.  Callie gets briefly distracted by the vast amount of skin and muscles contracting in that beautiful neck before clearing her throat and standing up.

“How’s the pain?  Scale of 1-10,” she asks.

“7 or 8, maybe,” Arizona pouts and hangs her head to the side.

“Hey, you’re gonna be fine,” Callie reaches forward to cup the cheek of her patient, her anger finally starting to fade.  Damn those dimples.

“I happen to know this hospital has some pretty fantastic drugs and an equally fantastic orthopedic surgeon to fix you up, so…it’s gonna be fine.”

Arizona gives a weak smile and leans into the soft hand cupping her face.  Her grin turns mischievous when she snakes her uninjured hand up to grab the dark blue scrub top in front of her and drag her wife forward.

“Does this mean I also get fantastic after care at home, too?” she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and earns a soft giggle for the effort.

“Mmm, you mean like the kind where you’re exhausted and shaking afterward?  And your voice is all raspy and your legs are numb?” Callie whispers get quieter as her lips get closer to the pink ones parted in front of her.

“Uh…huh,” Arizona’s response is comically shaky.  Her breathing gets heavier with each inch that Callie gets closer and she gulps loudly when she watches that perfect tongue dart out to wet those lips she has tasted so many times over the years.

“Or like when I do that thing with my tongue…” Callie whispers softly against Arizona’s ear and smiles triumphantly when she feels her shiver.  She pulls back to where she was and just before their lips are about to touch, she pulls away and brings out her best professional voice.  “Unfortunately, Dr. Robbins, we reserve that care for patients who listen to their wives.”

Callie’s face breaks into an all out smirk when she hears the groan come from her patient.

“I’m gonna go order your scans,” she sooths the annoyance with a peck to Arizona’s cheek and a pat on the knee before exiting the room and finding that damn Little Grey to get her some x-rays.

“Seriously?  I really need surgery?!” Arizona’s childlike whine makes her wife roll her eyes before she continues.   “Can’t you just like…throw some casting on it or give me a shot or something?  I have a big surgery next week-“

“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you decided to wear roller skates for shoes, “Callie counters.

Arizona ignores the quip and continues to beg.

“I don’t need surgery, okay?  Look, I can…move it just fine,” her face says otherwise when she tries to flex her fingers.  The pain is strong even with the low amount of drugs coursing through her body.

“Okay, enough,” Callie orders and rests her hand on top of the struggling one she has held so many times.  “Arizona, you need surgery or else you won’t be doing anymore big surgeries for a very long time.  I know you hate having surgery, but I am pretty freaking great at it and Bailey will be there to assist.  You’ll be in good hands.”

The short woman standing to her right nods with as much encouragement as she can muster.  It doesn’t do much.  But Callie’s comforting smile does.  The innate feeling to protect the woman in front of her from any kind of pain is as much a part of her as the need to fix bones or breathe.

“Fine,” the blonde sighs.  Callie stands up from the stool and kisses that cute pout which makes Bailey nauseous enough to roll her eyes and leave to schedule an OR.

“And, who knows…maybe if you’re a good girl for your surgery, I’ll reconsider that after-care we talked about,” Callie whispers seductively and bites her lip for added effect.

“Really?!” Arizona perks up excitedly and Callie chuckles before leaning in to kiss her again.

“Really,” she kisses her again, this time with a little less chaste and a lot more tongue.   They both pull away a few seconds later for air and Callie reluctantly backs away to go get ready.  “I’ll see you soon.”

“You’re sure this is absolutely necessary, right?”

The immeasurably talented Head of Pediatric Surgery at the prestigious Seattle Grace Hospital who has a reputation for soothing her patients causes a few concerned heads to turn when her panicked voice cries out to her wife in the operating room.

Callie shoots a few amused smiles to those around her from behind her surgical mask and steps closer to the woman on the operating table.  She’s never quite seen the confident woman before her so scared.

“Arizona,” the hilt in Callie’s voice is a bit patronizing, but she continues.  “Would I put you through surgery if it wasn’t necessary?”

“No,” Arizona mumbles weakly and scans the machines and instruments around her.  You’d think someone who has performed countless surgeries would be a little more comfortable in such a setting.  Then again, she isn’t usually strapped to a table, exposed, and about to go under anesthesia.

“Mhm.  And what did we talk about earlier?”

Her wife hesitates.

“That you’re the best there is and you love me.”

Callie’s eyebrows rise expectantly.

“…and that it was necessary to get rid of the heelies.”

“Exactly.  Now, listen to Dr. Henderson and count backwards.  You’ll be done in no time,” Callie whispers, stroking the arm laid out before her.

“Will you sit, please?   Until I’m asleep, I mean,” the question is barely loud enough to reach Callie’s ears and all those around her, but she gets the point from the pleading blue eyes she loves so much.  Arizona Robbins may be a big baby when it comes to surgery, but at least she’s going to attempt to go down with her dignity.

“Always,” Callie whispers back and pulls up a stool to sit.

She gets a thankful smile in return and nods to Dr. Henderson to start, keeping her eyes on her wife’s and her hand stroking the cap that holds the blonde hair underneath it.  It’s a look she has seen hundreds of times since the night the woman before her tracked her down in the bathroom at Joe’s, telling her she didn’t know how lovely she was.  And it just seems to get stronger with every blissful day that passes, as they continue to weave each other into their lives with the purpose of building a life together.

Callie gives a wink as she hears her wife count backwards, her voice fading when she gets to six.  She gives the arm in her grasp one more gentle squeeze before standing up and putting the woman she loves back together.

They say doctors make the worst patients and Arizona Robbins is no exception.  Callie can hear her all the way down the hallway, shamelessly flirting with one of the nurses to let her out of her room.  Despite the slight twinge of jealousy at the thought, Callie can’t help but smirk at her partner’s tactics.  Something tells her that even the great Arizona Robbins’s charm won’t win over the 54-year-old, straight, mother of 6, Rita Mason.

Callie finishes the last of her scribbling on the chart in her hand and gives a heavy sigh.  This woman is going to be the death of her.

“Oh my goodness, he’s adorable!” Arizona’s bubbly voice drifts down the hallway as Callie gets closer to the room.  She eventually rounds the corner to see Nurse Rita leaning against the bed with her phone in her hand, undoubtedly showing off one of her four grandchildren.  “I can’t believe he’s two already!”

“Oh, I know, dear.  He’s very handsome and hard to resist too.  Tries to charm his way out of everything.”

Everyone in the room can sense the double meaning behind Rita’s words, pointing out the comparison between her grandson and her current patient.  Callie’s chuckle finally gives her presence away and she gets a sheepish grin from Arizona.

“Nurse Rita, I trust our patient is being as difficult as always.”

Arizona shoots her a playful glare.

“No worries, Dr. Torres.  The charm doesn’t work on me,” Nurse Rita gives a wink and makes her way out of the room.  Callie and Arizona continue to have a staring contest.

“What?” Arizona eventually asks innocently and gets a chuckle in response.  “Hey, I’m glad you’re here, I was gonna ask if you could up my morphine a little bit.”

“Mm, I don’t know,” Callie teases and picks up the chart at the end of the bed.

“Come on, Calliope.  Pleeeease.  If I’m gonna be here for another day, at least give me the good stuff.”

They’ve been taking all of the extra precautions after Derek diagnosed Arizona with a mild concussion and decided to keep her a little extra longer than usual.  A decision that he is most likely regretting now, since his patient won’t get off his ass about it.

“Well, you are on a pretty low dose right now.  I guess we could make you fly a little higher,” Callie gives in and writes down the new amount on the chart before administering the proper dosage.  Normally, this wouldn’t be a job for the attending surgeon, but they’ve already broken a few rules with Callie operating on her own wife and she’s made sure nobody but her touches said wife.  There are enough intern mistakes around this hospital and she doesn’t need Arizona to be one of them.

“Yay, thank you,” Arizona gives a dimpled smile and attempts to clap her hands until she realizes that one is in fact, wrapped in bandages.  She gives a humorous pout and waits patiently for the morphine to kick in.

“I’ve gotta go check on my other, pain-in-the-ass patients, but I’ll be back in for lunch, okay?”

“Okay,” Arizona mumbles sadly, the drugs already starting to take effect.  With a kiss to the forehead, Callie goes about her day as always.  It isn’t until just before lunch time that her number one pain-in-the-ass patient decides to shake things up a bit.

“What is it?  What’s wrong?” Callie’s shaky voice comes out as a yell when she bursts into Arizona’s room an hour later.  She’s confused as soon as she enters.  Mark, Teddy, and Bailey are all standing around her bed awkwardly as Arizona chats away excitedly.

“Calliope!” she exclaims and throws her arms into the air, causing the IV stand to rattle a little.

“Whoa, there,” Mark rushes forward to push her injured arm down.  Arizona cups her mouth to hide the child-like giggle that erupts.

“Oopsies!  Thanks, Mark,” she gives his face a playful slap.

“Who the hell paged me ‘911’?” Callie finally asks and holds up her pager.

The attendings all look to Arizona.

“Oh!  That would be me!” she raises her hand high in the air as if Callie couldn’t tell who answered.  “I missed you.  I missed you all.”

Teddy takes a few steps closer to the door when Arizona gets distracted by the sound the water makes when she pours it back and forth between her cup and the pink pitcher.

“How much morphine did you give her?” Teddy mumbles.

“What are you talking about?  I barely gave her any an hour ago.”

“Your initials are by another dosage on her chart,” Teddy holds up the paper to show the ‘C.T.’ scribbled next to another entry.

Interns.  Even worse-enamored interns.

“Augh, I’m gonna kill…” Callie groans, knowing Arizona, slightly high on her previous morphine, must have charmed that intern with the long, red hair and the crush on her wife.

“Calliope!  Come look at this!  Come look!”

Teddy gives a supportive smirk as she watches her friend move further into the room.

“Did you know that if you hit THIS button-“ the blonde pauses to jam her finger into THAT button.  “-it makes the TV speak in español!”

“Wow,” Callie gives a nervous look to those around her.

“Mhm, it speaks Spanish.  Just.  Like.  You,” the blonde emphasizes the last three words with a tap to Callie’s nose between each.  “I love when you speak Spanish.  Especially when it’s in bed and you say that dirty-“

“Okay!  Everybody out,” Callie claps a hand over her wife’s mouth, pulling away when she feels her tongue dart out to lick her skin.

“Wait, I wanna here the dirty thing again,” Mark supplies his typical Mark comment and gets the typical Callie response-a death glare.  He moves closer when Arizona beckons him forward with her pointer finger.

“Don’t worry,” she attempts to whisper.  “I’ll tell you allll about it later.”

“Mark.  Out.”

If it wasn’t clear before, Callie knows Arizona is definitely high as a kite when she plants a sloppy, wet kiss on Mark’s cheek.  And despite his amusement at Roller Girl’s new personality, he escapes before he sustains another injury from Torres.

“Later, Blondie.”

Callie spins around to face her wife as soon as the room is clear and she has successfully shut the door behind everyone.

“Hi, there,” Arizona attempts to wink flirtatiously, but only managers to blink with both eyes and give a lopsided grin.

“Hi,” Callie laughs out nervously and moves back to the bed.  “Looks like someone managed to get an intern to give her some more morphine.  Interns aren’t allowed to give drugs without approval, Dr. Robbins.”

“I know.  I’m that good,” she gives a cocky smile.  “Come lay with me, please.”

Callie gives in, the affection she has for the woman in front of her too overpowering to resist.  She waits for Arizona to scoot over a little before climbing onto the bed and putting an arm around her shoulders.  Arizona immediately settles into Callie’s warm body while her wife runs her fingers through long, blonde curls.  The gesture elicits a content sigh from the woman hopped up on enough morphine to last her for a week.  And it’s maybe for this reason she decides now is a good time to relive an old memory.

“Did you know that I tried to talk to you twice before that night at Joe’s?”

Callie is a little surprised by the sudden change of topic.  Although, she’s not quite sure there was any specific topic to begin with, but nonetheless, she’s still a little caught off guard.

“You did?”

“Mhm.  The first time, I saw your name on the surgical board and I remembered I heard it from some interns the day before,” she pauses to rub at her nose rather clumsily.  “Let’s just say if I caught them saying those things now, after we’re married?  They wouldn’t be seeing an OR for a looong time.  Or their penises.”

Callie gives a soft giggle and relishes in the way Arizona’s blonde hair glimmers next to her wedding ring.

“Anyway, I snuck into the gallery to watch you do a simple knee replacement.  Nothing too big.  But you were perfect and so I waited outside the scrub room for like…a half hour, trying to think of something cool and suave to say.  And then you walked out of the room, so confident and just…you.  And I totally chickened out.”

“You were probably just intimidated by my awesomeness,” Callie teases and lays a soft kiss on that blonde hair.

“Probably.  And then the second time was at Joe’s. You were playing darts with Mark and Derek and wearing some dark jeans and that sexy red shirt I love, looking all…sexy.  And I took like…four shots of tequila so I could work up the courage to talk to you…”

Callie can’t help but laugh a little at the abundance of the word ‘like’ coming out of her wife’s mouth like she’s a teenager again.

“…but by the time I finished the fourth shot, you were paying your tab and heading out the door with Mark, which naturally, I was upset about, so I ended up taking a few more shots before I took a cab home and spent some quality time with my toilet…”

Callie grimaces a little at the image.  “So what made you brave enough the third time?”

This time Arizona tilts her head up so she can look into those brown eyes she loves so much.  She’s slightly aware of the drugs swimming through her blood stream, but the haziness doesn’t block out the image of her perfect wife.

“You were upset.  And I knew why.  And I just wanted to make sure you knew that you would be happy again,” she says sweetly, returning the adoring smile she gets from the woman holding her.  She can feel the sleep setting in again, her brain foggy and tired from recovery and medicine.  “Of course, I was hoping I could be the one to make that happen, but…either way…even if you weren’t interested, I thought you should know…”

She knows Arizona probably won’t recall much of this conversation when the drugs wear off, but Callie can’t help but be a little thankful for her wife’s sudden need to share a little about their past.

“You did make me happy, you know.  You make me happier than anything,” she whispers softly as Arizona’s eyelids get heavier.

“Mhm,” Arizona mumbles and shifts to get more comfortable against the warm body next to her.  “Swept you right off your feet, too.”

Callie can feel the breaths against her neck getting longer and steadier as Arizona finally drifts away, but she manages to get out a “Yep, you did” before the morphine-induced dreams start.

The next morning is filled with paperwork and unnecessary instructions that she already knows to follow (come on, she is a surgeon, for god’s sake).  And she’s more than a little confused by those dirty smirks Mark keeps giving her as he forces her into a wheel chair and takes her down to meet Callie at the car.  She lets them slide though, too excited to leave behind her time as a patient at Seattle Grace.

They take the short trip home to the beautiful house they bought a year ago that sits just a few streets away from the famous McDreamy-designed dream house.  She settles back in at home, unpacking the small amount of clothes and other items that Callie managed to pick up for her during her stay.  It isn’t until she enters the kitchen where Callie works diligently on their dinner for the evening that she sees the blue box wrapped in a silver ribbon on the counter.

“What’s this?” she asks, running her fingers along the present.  Callie spins around and gives a little smirk.

“Open it.”

Her fingers find the card first, opening the envelope to find a piece of white paper that reads:

“Thanks for sweeping me off my feet.  Let’s hope these ones don’t do the same to you this time.”

And all that can be heard from their home are squeals of delight and the sound of wheels on the wooden floors.

fanfic: calile/arizona, callie/arizona, art: fanfic, art: fanfiction

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