Fanfic: Work It Out (1/3)

Jul 01, 2010 14:40

Title:  Work It Out (1/3)

Author: elpmas03

Rating: NC17 (future chapter)

Pairing: Callie/Arizona

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Summary: “Guess who’s back…back again” (just a little Eminem throwback for ya). This is just a little comical somethin’ somethin’ to get the creativity flowing. I know I have another 2-part fic that I haven’t finished yet, but I just honestly have not been in the mood, so hopefully this will make that happen!


“Why are we doing this again?” I ask hesitantly, fearing that I might get slapped for asking this question repeatedly on the drive here.

“Because we have a big, brand new, perfect dream house that’s lonely without a big, brand new, perfect couch to match it,” Arizona finishes her statement with a sharp, confident nod. “And because I said so.”

“But we have a couch,” I argue back only to be interrupted by the glare of all Arizona Robbins glares.

“No, you have a couch-“


“Calliope,” my name drips with disdain as it leaves her mouth and I feel blue eyes piercing through me.

I roll my eyes and try to look upset, but as soon as she sees my obedience, a bright, smug smile crosses her face and I can’t help but laugh at her cockiness. After we pull into the parking lot and Arizona chooses the farthest possible spot from the door (“it’s better for your health”), I reluctantly follow behind her as she practically skips to the glass doors.

“I’ve never seen anyone so excited to buy a couch,” I mumble, walking through the door she holds open for me.

“It’s not the couch, it’s what the couch…represents,” she retorts and follows me into the store.

“It’s a couch. A couch, Arizona. It represents little filthy children bouncing up and down on it while their parents talk to a salesperson and-“ my witty comeback is cut short when I gracefully try to maneuver my way around a stampede of tiny humans and trip over the end of a nearby recliner.

I feel strong hands wrap around both my wrist and my stomach just before I completely lose my balance and hit the floor. I glance up to find a salesman grinning excitedly at me, one hand still on my stomach and the other slowly making its way up my arm and coming to a stop on my elbow.

“Uh, thanks,” I say politely, flashing a quick smile and hoping it will make him realize I’m no longer plunging toward the ground and in need of someone to put their hands on me.

I feel delicate fingers gently tugging at the back of my shirt and I know it’s a warning; the kind of warning that says “you better make this idiot remove his hands or I will do it for him”. Luckily I don’t have to do anymore because another couple interrupts the awkward exchange by bombarding the man with questions.

“But the walls are bright yellow, Sarah. Don’t you think a pink couch would look a little out of place?” the guy is almost pleading to his wife.

“But, pookie,” Sarah whines and I think I see her consider stomping her foot to emphasize her point.

“Aw how sweet,” Arizona mumbles sarcastically under her breath causing me to snort quietly as we walk away. “Not as sweet as Superman swooping in to save you, though.”

“Hm, is someone jealous?” I gasp overdramatically and earn a slap on the arm; I quickly grab Arizona’s wrist before she can pull away and drag her toward me.

“What are you doing?” she giggles when I grab her by the straps of her coat and pull her closer towards me, giving her a playful grin as she glances around the store to see if anyone is around. “Calliope, we’re in a furniture store-“

“Exactly, plenty of places to...lie down,” I answer huskily, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively and leaning in the last few inches.

Just as our lips are about to touch, I feel Arizona gently push me away and entwine our fingers to guide me around the store. I can almost hear her smiling when I groan in frustration and follow her lead. Our hands don’t stay connected for long, though, once she spots a large, maroon sofa across the room and scurries to it.

“Callie, come here!” she waves me forward without taking her eyes off of the prize.

“Yes, pookie?” I jokingly answer, but she rolls her eyes and ignores me.

“How about this one?” she asks, but I know my answer doesn’t really matter-it was love at first sight for her and this couch.

I pretend to give it some consideration, feeling the material and looking over the little information card until I find the price.

“Hmph,” I snort and hold up the card so she can see it.

Arizona squints for a few seconds before stepping forward and groaning in frustration when she finally sees the price clearly.

“I prefer that we have food to eat,” I inform her, but I feel a twinge of sadness rush through me at the look of disappointment on her face; even if it is just a couch, I still want her to be happy. “Oh come on, there are plenty of other ones. You just have to look more…carefully and-why are you looking at me like that?”

A Grinch-like grin stretches across her lips, dimples included; she glances behind me and raises her eyebrows briefly before looking me over. I look behind me to see what she was so excited about until I feel her pulling my shirt down a little bit.

“Hey!” I hiss, swatting her hands away from the newly exposed cleavage she just created. “What are you doing?”

“Mm perfect,” she mumbles, ignoring my question and taking one last look before finally acknowledging my presence. “I think I know a way we can get this couch.”

All I can do is look at her like she’s on drugs because I have no clue what she’s talking about or why she just practically pulled my shirt off of me in the middle-wait. She gives me an endearing look when my eyes flash with both horror and realization.

“Oh, please tell me you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking,” I practically whine only to get flash of dimples in response. “Arizona Robbins-“

“Oh, come on, I’m not asking you to sleep with the guy,” she whines back, glancing behind me periodically. “Just, you know…work your magic and see if you can knock the price down a little bit.”

“Let me get this straight…you’re willing to whore me out…for a couch?” I ask in disgust.

“Well, you’re hot,” she says simply with a shrug of her shoulders. “We have to put that to good use some time, right?”

I leave my mouth hanging open in shock, attempting to put up some sort of fight to this whole plan as if I’m not going to do it. But let’s face it…I’m whipped.

“And what do I get for doing this?” I figure I might as well take advantage of the opportunity.

She takes a few steps closer and licks her lips slowly, making sure I’m watching intently as her tongue leaves a wet trail across two soft, pink lips before returning to its home.

“Hmm, we could…” she looks up as if the answer is written on the ceiling and bites her bottom lip playfully as if she’s deep in thought. “…christen the couch when we get it home. You know…the way we did with the dining room table…”

She leans in so her lips lightly brush my ear just as she snakes a hand under the front of my shirt and grazes her nails across my stomach.

“…and the patio furniture…and the hot tub,” she punctuates her point by tickling the skin just above the top of my jeans with her pointer finger.

I can feel my cheeks getting warmer with each word and electric shock that her finger creates against my skin. It takes a few more seconds for me to remember how to form coherent thoughts before I agree.

“Okay,” I sigh, clearing my throat to try and regain control of my body.

Damn her and her hotness.

“Yay, good,” she replies in her usual perky tone, clapping her hands lightly before looking me over again.

She straightens the straps on my jacket and tugs at my jeans to pull them down just enough so a sliver of my stomach is showing before creating a little more cleavage and standing back to look over her work.

“Satisfied?” I ask.

“Mmk, you’re good,” she declares and emphasizes her point with a sharp nod of the head.

I glare at her before spinning around and searching for my mark. I spot the salesman in a corner across the store, fixing the tags on a king size bed and take a deep breath before moving forward.

“Wait,” I hear Arizona whisper loudly just as she’s grabbing my wrist to stop me.

“Whaaaat?” I groan and spin around, making sure she sees my frustration. “If I show any more cleavage, I’ll be naked, Arizona.”

She ignores me and grabs my other hand, pausing for a split second as if she’s considering forgetting this whole idea when she sees what she’s looking for. I watch her blink away her hesitance before gliding the rings off of my finger and slipping them into her pocket.

“All better,” she says and spins me back around. “Now, go get him.”

As if this situation isn’t ridiculous enough, she slaps my butt to scoot me along; I glare back at her in shock, but she’s moving across the room to try and get within range of the conversation. I turn back around and mentally prepare myself for what’s to come.

This…should be interesting.

fanfic: callie/arizona, art: fanfiction

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