Fanfic: Nap Time

Mar 24, 2010 10:32

Title:  Nap Time

Author: elpmas03

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Callie/Arizona

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Summary: Just a quick one-shot I thought of and needed to get down. It involves some competition, wheelies (of course) and sweat. Oh, and napping. It's not quite as dirty as I'm making it sound, so I don't want to get anyone's hopes up.  Read on!

It’s not very often I get a day off, so when I do and I’m paged in to fill out paperwork, let’s just say...I’m not exactly pleased. Really? Paperwork? Of all the stupid things I could have been called in for it’s paperwork. Granted, it was my fault for not completely filling out the necessary forms to discharge Mr. Gates, but still…paperwork.

Yes, it’s because of my own stupidity that I’m now leaning against a nurses’ station in a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, still sweating from the little trip to the gym I took, while I fill out the rest of the information. It’s not until I hear the sound of wheels rolling nearby that I feel a tiny smile form on my face for the first time since I got the call to come in. I don’t have to look over to see who is coming toward me.

“She’s going to wipe out one of these days, you know,” Nurse Kelly mumbles to me from behind the desk in front of me.

My smile grows wider when I look up and see my look of amusement mirrored in the woman before me.

“Tell me about it,” I say under my breath just as Arizona rolls up next to me.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” she almost squeals in delight from the sight of me as I turn to face her.

“Paperwork,” I give her a grumpy reply.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here because…” she whispers, turning around so her back is facing the nurses’ station now, clearly trying not be heard. “…I was about to uh…take a nap…in that on-call room….right over there.”

I peek out of the corner of my eye just in time to see her wiggle her eyebrows at me suggestively and a smug grin adorns her face.

“Oh, okay then…enjoy your nap,” I say trying to sound oblivious to her attempts to seduce me while I continue my paperwork.

“No, Calliope…I didn’t mean a nap, nap, I meant…a naaaap,” she whispers even lower, leaning in towards me and I can feel my façade breaking down at the sight of her having to explain to me her own pick-up line.

“You mean, like a long nap? I don’t-“

“Wha-no I don’t mean a long nap,” she snaps in disbelief and I can tell she’s getting ready to ramble.

“Oh, relax, I knew what you meant, Casanova,” I interrupt what I know will be a long winded speech about what her sex code.

She glares at me for a moment before remembering what started this whole thing in the first place.

“Soooo is that a yes?” she perks up at the thought and I think I see her bounce up and down a little.

“Sure…” I mumble casually, not looking up from the papers before me when she claps her hands a few times and grabs my elbow to pull me toward the room. “…as soon as the people in there are done.”

“Augh,” she groans in frustration and hits my shoulder lightly when I laugh. “Doesn’t anyone in this hospital work?”

“Says the woman who just tried to do the same thing,” I reply smugly, closing the chart in my hands and handing it to the grinning nurse before us.

“Yeah, well…it’s been a long day and-why are you all sweaty?” she interrupts herself when she realizes what I’m wearing and the last bit of perspiration still remaining on my forehead.

“I went to the gym…for the first time in…forever,” I explain, turning around to face her and leaning my elbow against the desk.

Apparently my appearance only makes her more frustrated that there are no unoccupied on-call rooms at the moment. As her eyes roam over me while I try to find out how her day is going, I swear I can see them glaze over and darken a shade. Just as I’m about to make fun of her for it, I notice a door opening down the hall and watch as a man and woman leave a few seconds apart. Subtle.

“Ooo I think we’re in luck,” I sing and shoot my eyebrows up in excitement.

As soon as she spins around and sees what I’m talking about, she grabs my hand and drags me toward the room.

“Uh oh,” I utter in horror when I see Mark and Lexie at the end of the hallway, the same distance from the room as we are, looking very disheveled and…horny.

“Oh, crap,” she groans, locking eyes with Mark in a look of understanding when they each see what the other is up to.

If I didn’t want to rip Arizona’s clothes off right now, I’d probably be dying with laugher at how much this looks like an old Western showdown; I’m waiting for someone to whip a pair of guns out of their holsters and spin them in the air. Before I can blink, I see Arizona take off in a sprint followed quickly by Mark springing into action from the other side.

“Wheels!” I yell, running after her and watching as she clicks them into action and glides to the door a split second before Mark gets there.

“Yesss,” I hiss as I walk past a panting Mark and give him a triumphant grin and cock my eyebrow just to rub some salt onto the wound.

“You’re going to pay for-” he mumbles just before I shut the door in his face.

Just as the door clicks, I feel hands grip my shoulders, spin me around, and throw me against the door behind me followed by the most amazing set of lips melting into my own. I moan loudly, hoping Mark will hear me, when I feel hands tugging at my shirt and lifting it over my head. I take the opportunity to wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her as hard as I can, pushing her backwards until her knees buckle from hitting the bed and we fall onto the mattress.

“You’re sweaty,” she states, a glint of lust flashing in her eyes and giggles entering the air at her own slyness.

“Hmm, let’s see what we can do to make you sweaty,” I say huskily and get a jerk of her knee between my legs in response of my playfulness.

“Ahha,” I laugh in shock and pleasure when she rubs her leg against my already pulsing center before grabbing my butt and flipping me over to my back so she’s now straddling me.

I kick my shoes off as fast as I can while she stands up to take her scrub pants off; as soon as she’s pant-less I grab her arms and pull her back on top of me. The anticipation is killing me; I’m always baffled by how turned on I am by her all of the time. It can be the simplest gesture, like flicking her bangs to the side or laughing with a colleague or eating pretzels…it doesn’t matter; whatever she does, I can’t control myself. I’ve never done drugs before, but I can imagine that it feels something like this. The need to feel so alive all of the time; the desire to touch and taste and smell her; the addiction is overbearing and scared me at first, but now I can’t live without it. Without her. Feeling her hand coast down my neck, into the crevice between my breasts, over my stomach, and finally reaching just above the hem of my shorts is like feeling flames burst over every fiber of skin she touches. She always takes the time to explore every part of me whether it’s with her hands, her lips, or her eyes. It’s something I’ve never had, with anyone. Not George, or Erica, or Mark, or any college and high school boyfriends and it’s something that I will forever want and need.

Our breathing is become heavier with each caress of limbs and light touches of skin upon skin; the moment her hand slides under my shorts my eyes shoot open in delight and I have to pull my lips away to inhale sharply. She enters me quickly with two fingers and already my body is shooting into sensory overload. It only takes a few thrusts of her hips to push me to that edge and before I know it my body is shaking and shivering until everything freezes. I cry out her name in an intimate whisper and keep my eyes shut tight while she kisses my lower stomach a few times and eventually comes to rest beside me. I finally open my eyes after I catch my breath and see her resting her head on her elbow just looking at me. I love the way she looks at me; I’ve had people watch me before, but they never really looked at me…not until her.

She waits for me to gain my energy before kissing me softly until it builds to a heated level again.

“Mmm uh uh,” I mumble against her lips, causing her to pull away and look at me quizzically.

I take advantage of her pause and move quickly so that I’m on top of her now and smiling down at her confused adorableness.

“You’re not sweaty enough.”

fanfic: callie/arizona, art: fanfic, art: fanfiction

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