Not Sure

Jun 06, 2006 21:08

I'm not really sure why I sat down here to write today, but I do know it's been too long and I need to get some journal-phlegm out of my system. So step back and hope it doesn't get too messy.
I need to write more. It's not so much that I need to complete any assigments or quotas; there's just a feeling of vertigo inside when I stay away from it, knowingly or not, that I'd like to straighten out (pardon the pun). Sure, we all need to write more, except maybe a few people that need to write less--though perhaps what they need is edit or circle-file more of their work.
I'm planning on going out and grabbing a GRE book this Friday (pay-day, hurrah!) to see where I stand on the subject. The sooner I get back results from that, the sooner I will have the confidence to send out a few more apps to colleges for grad schools so they can either offer me lots of money or tell me to go to hell. I really don't care enough about any specific grad schools to care which response I get, right now, but the closure would be nice.
I really miss Grams today, mostly because Finding Forrester was on when I got home in a very Italian mood already. Not only did I watch that the night before flying up to DC, but I think I did so partially, though unconsciously, with the desire to prepare myself for the experience Jamal has of walking into the apartment of someone you loved who has passed away. Things are incredibly the same, but at the same time they are completely different, like seeing a page in the mirror. DC will always be her city in the same little way it was mine--I grew up there, not by virtue of years spent living there, but I really became the Elliot you all know and love/hate now there, in a big way.
I think that's it for now. I'd promise lots more, but I'm trying to flake out less on my promises lately, so no dice. Love to the homies and all that.
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