*shrug* The healer had her orders, and a full twenty-four hours in which to carry them out. If SHE decided you weren't worth treating, that's not my problem.
Bar down. Face the wall. Hands back. *shows cuffs* And I'm not in the mood for bondage jokes. ... Your sister wants you to stand trial, I should mention. Whether you GET to that trial alive or not is your decision.
*shakes head* I keep forgetting that hand of yours. *sigh* Right then, just keep it where I can see it.
And...yes. I know and I agree. But there's this wacky thing called "the law" and this other thing called "women asking me nicely," and between the two I'm sorta stuck.
I'd almost like to see you try to attack Lothy at the trial. It's all the excuse I need. I don't like killing in cold blood, but in defense...? No problem there.
... Is something wrong? You're not... ... You can't see, can you.
I'll try to give you the chance as soon as possible then. Out of courtesy, of course.
*stiffens* I can see. You haven't managed to do that much to me yet. *tries to look more confident as he walks, ignoring how he jars his shoulder on a doorframe he doesn't manage to miss*
*one hand closes around your shoulder, gripping hard and steering you at arms' length* Amusing though some might find it to watch you smack into walls and fall down staircases, I want to get this over with as quickly as possible.
Look, just fucking cooperate, all right? This isn't fun for me either, you know.
So I hear you spoke to Hanild last night. Any damage I need to undo?
*considers that for a few moments, guiding you none-too-gently across the main courtyard and into the stables where the horses are already waiting*
Wulf. And Hanild. I wonder... Hmm. Can't say as she's told anybody else, but she didn't mention it around me, but to be fair the last time we spoke I was shouting at her about hanging around you. *sighs* I'll look into it.
*stops you, straw crunching under your feet -- slaps your hand on the pommel of a saddle* Right. Grab that. Lift your foot, bend your knee, don't even think about trying anything I'll break your damn neck...foot, HERE...okay, got it. Right now, one, two, three, UP. Leg over, OVER!
*there's a "click" and the grip of cold metal as your ankle is locked to a stirrup*
Found a use for those cuffs after all. Don't bother with the reins, there aren't any.
((Um. Are we doing something? Just curious. If you need Gorlim to, say, lop off Elphir's head, he will. And will bloody well do it without angsting about it afterwards. Isn't that RIGHT, puppet? *glares at Gorlim, who nods* Right. Okay. Not trying to nose into something I'm not involved in. Just offering the services of a Non-Angst assassin executioner. If we're actually going to kill Elphir. The mun, who is mildly demented, thinks for some reason that that would be really cool. But she is demented. Right. Got that. Okay. Gonna stop rambling. Right now. See? Watch me. ;-) ))
((Um...actually, I think I'm supposed to do the deed, if my conversations with John are well remembered (I wouldnt be surprised if they aren't, I've been hurried and my memory is bad). Unless he has made other plans? -shrugs-))
((Psst! Log in as Elphir and go here. I have some questions.))
Bar down. Face the wall. Hands back. *shows cuffs* And I'm not in the mood for bondage jokes. ... Your sister wants you to stand trial, I should mention. Whether you GET to that trial alive or not is your decision.
Mm. Trials. Can't you just kill me? You all know I'm guilty. You all know I'd do more if I had the chance.
*drops the bar and holds out his hand* If you would.
And...yes. I know and I agree. But there's this wacky thing called "the law" and this other thing called "women asking me nicely," and between the two I'm sorta stuck.
Out. Can you ride?
And yes, I can probably ride. As long as I don't have to actually lead a horse or anything.
*walks carefully, feeling the ground with his feet before he makes any steps to avoid tripping*
... Is something wrong? You're not... ... You can't see, can you.
*stiffens* I can see. You haven't managed to do that much to me yet. *tries to look more confident as he walks, ignoring how he jars his shoulder on a doorframe he doesn't manage to miss*
*one hand closes around your shoulder, gripping hard and steering you at arms' length* Amusing though some might find it to watch you smack into walls and fall down staircases, I want to get this over with as quickly as possible.
Look, just fucking cooperate, all right? This isn't fun for me either, you know.
So I hear you spoke to Hanild last night. Any damage I need to undo?
Yes, we spoke.
Apparently there's some man after her. Named Wulf. I'm not sure if she's gone to tell anyone yet like she said she would.
Wulf. And Hanild. I wonder... Hmm. Can't say as she's told anybody else, but she didn't mention it around me, but to be fair the last time we spoke I was shouting at her about hanging around you. *sighs* I'll look into it.
*stops you, straw crunching under your feet -- slaps your hand on the pommel of a saddle* Right. Grab that. Lift your foot, bend your knee, don't even think about trying anything I'll break your damn neck...foot, HERE...okay, got it. Right now, one, two, three, UP. Leg over, OVER!
*there's a "click" and the grip of cold metal as your ankle is locked to a stirrup*
Found a use for those cuffs after all. Don't bother with the reins, there aren't any.
*grips the saddle with his hand and looks calm, minus how white his knuckles have gotten*
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