Fic: I'm A Little Bit Lost Without You [5/5]

Jul 15, 2010 15:38

Title: I'm A Little Bit Lost Without You
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: Only OCs and the situation are mine!
Summary: When Harry gets into a long term relationship, Nikki realises that there might be more to her feelings for him than she had always thought, but it's too little too late for them.
A/N: Thanks to pixiemind for beta-ing and to  saffiyascarlett , thisisagift  and gem_pinkeh for your reviews! Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and thanks in advance to the people who review this chapter =P 
Another SW fic is in the works and there will hopefully be a sequel to this fic! Warnings for soppyness! =P

Chapter Five- The Last Chapter

This was it, this was the moment that he had guiltily dreamt about for months whilst his fiancé was sleeping beside him. Well not quite this moment as he was currently two hours into the twenty three hour long flight from Heathrow to Cape Town, but he was going to see her, and he was going to tell her how he felt, even though he didn't quite know himself. He just knew that he loved her.

"I love her." He whispered. He had tried to keep his thoughts away from this possibility over the past few months and he had never been able to admit it to himself before now. He knew that he had left Hilary for her, then of course he loved her.

He didn't know how he would survive the next twenty two hours, his whole body was shaking with anticipation. He imagined what her reaction would be to seeing him there, what her reaction would be when he told her how he felt.

What if she didn't feel the same? He still didn't really know why she left, maybe it was simply because she'd been offered a good job in South Africa and hadn't cared enough to say goodbye or keep in touch. But unless the last few years had been a lie and Nikki had been a bloody good actress, he knew that Nikki cared, that she wouldn't leave without a real reason. He just clung onto the hope that that reason might have been something to do with loving him.

Nikki stared across the board at Sara's youngest son Christopher, who was slowly and thoughtfully deciding which piece to play, "You're taking this long just to annoy me aren't you? Trying to psych me out."

"You should have gotten used to that by now." Christopher grinned. Every Sunday afternoon for the last month or so she had played a game of chess against Sara's sons, who were both surprisingly good, "Check."

"How the-?" She stopped herself from swearing, "You know, we're going to have to find a different game to play soon, one that I'm better at."

Christopher laughed, "Fed up with losing to an eleven year old?"

Nikki was slightly reluctant to admit that she was, but she didn't have to when Sara's other son Oliver interrupted the game, "Nikki, there's someone at the door for you."

"Oh, did they say who they were?" She asked

"No, but it was a man." He told her raising his eyebrow.

Christopher laughed, "Ooh does Nikki have a boyfriend?"

"Sush you two!" She laughed before going to the door. She sighed when she saw who it was, "What are you doing here?"

"You've been ignoring all of my calls Nikki. You've been here for months and I've not even spoken to you. I thought you knew that I loved you."

Why was this happening? "But I don't love you Anton. I'm sorry. You've got to stop doing this Anton, you've got to stay away from me." She walked back inside.

He followed her in, "But Nikki, please! What we had, we could have that again now that you're here! I know that Silhe and Nolitha would love to see you again."

She turned around to face him, "You can't use your daughters to guilt trip me into going out with you Anton!"

"What's going on here?" Pieter had been at the other end of the garden with Sara and some of their friends but had come in to see what was going on.

"Anton was just leaving." Nikki told him, reluctant to cause a fuss.

When Anton didn't move, Pieter walked over to him, "I think you had better do what Nikki says mate."

Anton didn't say a word, but he glared at Nikki and Pieter as he left.

"You okay Nikki?" Pieter asked after the door had closed.

"Fine, thanks Pieter." She sighed and turned to go back outside when the doorbell rang. They both turned to look at it, "Don't worry Pieter, I'll deal with it." She answered the door, "For goodness sake Ant-" her mouth opened wide in shock as she realised who it was stood on the doorstep.

"Surprise." Harry said straight faced. Nikki was even more stunning than he remembered.

"Harry? Oh my God Harry!" She leapt at him and wrapped her arms around him, "Harry what are you doing here?"

Harry grinned; so far things were going smoothly, "I came to see you."

Nikki drew back from him, remembering why she had left in the first place, "Is Hilary here too?"

Harry shook his head, "We decided to end things."

"You didn't hurt her did you Harry? You have a habit of hurting the people that you break up with." She sighed, still overjoyed at the fact that he was here with her.

"Unintentionally, yes I did," He admitted, "But we did part on amicable terms. We'll both be happier this way."

She invited him in, knowing that he must be exhausted after the flight. After saying hello to everyone at the party and introductions to those Harry hadn't met when he had been here before, they went to a secluded corner of the garden, away from prying eyes.

Nikki stood close to him, "Why are you really here Harry?"

"I could ask you the same question." Harry watched Nikki look down at the floor when he said this, wanting to avoid looking into his eyes and perhaps giving away the truth, "Hilary and I, we split up because I loved someone else."

Her head flicked up, "I left England because the person I loved, he loved someone else."

Harry smiled, his bottom lip shaking a little, "Nikki…" he had gone over this moment a million times in his head over the last twenty four hours, but he didn't know what to say.

"I love you Harry, I just wish I had realised sooner." She told him sadly.

He moved closer to her so that their bodies were almost touching, "You know I could say the exact same thing." He wiped a tear of Nikki's cheek.

She started to shake as Harry's flesh came into contact with hers, "You mean it Harry? You mean you…" She drifted off, desperately wanting to hear him say the words.

"I mean I love you Nikki. And I don't know how I ever thought otherwise." This was the moment he had been waiting for, these few seconds as they gazed into each others eyes, their heads moving inwards and their eyes closing as their lips connected and their arms wrapped around each other in a soft embrace that gradually became tighter.

"I don't want this moment to end," Nikki whispered into his ear as they stood holding onto each other for dear life, "For the last six months this has been all that I've wanted."

Harry felt her tears on his chest, seeping through his shirt, "It won't end Niks, I won't let it. It will just be me and you forever."

fanfic, fic: i'm a little bit lost without you, tv show: silent witness

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