If There's a Steady Paycheck In It, I'll Believe Anything You Say

Jan 02, 2011 10:10

Well working for seven hours yesterday might have set me back, health wise. Having a large steak dinner with the In-Laws for New Years was probably also a mistake, but..... steak dude. I had an opportunity to go into work again today, but decided not to call them back because I seriously need to get well. Yelling at children not to touch the fossils would probably kill me.

So today? I plan on eating a steak sandwich (left over filet!!), starting GHOSTBUSTERS THE VIDEO GAME, and watching a couple of horror movies I have from Netflix. True, watching CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST while sick may not be wise (I feel like this is going to be a repeat of that time I watched THE ENTITY when I had a fever of 100.3), but I need to send those movies in because I want QUEER AS FOLK Season 1 to keep coming, lol. Especially since I can check out Season 2 from the library.

I got the full job description of the King Tut position I'm interviewing for on Tuesday. And now I'm starting to feel nervous. It won't be the end of the world if I don't get the job, but a raise would be nice.

Okay, it's time to crawl under the covers and chill. This illness is going to be conquered dammit.

ETA: Oh boy. CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST opens with a very plain and straightforward word of warning and apology for how icky this is going to be. With a 'we don't agree with the cruelty and depravity depicted in this film but free speech and all that' section. I'm apprehensive to say the very least.

ETA2: NO AMOUNT OF EYEBLEACH WILL REMOVE WHAT I JUST WATCHED. Fuck. I pretty much regret everything. Now I have to go read a bunch of Nick/Ellis porn to try and make the hardcore case of the Icks go away.

oh noes, work, life

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