Sorry for taking over your LJ - this is my passioningridsummersMarch 22 2010, 02:29:09 UTC
This health care bill will not affect the rich. The rich already have the healthcare they want. The new insurance options this bill provides will not tempt the physicians who see the rich to take on patients with this insurance. Healthcare providers, private hospitals and high end physicians, will continue to see the rich here in the United States.
This bill means that the working poor (80% of those persons without health insurance are working or have a working family member) will have the ability to have insurance, which increases their access to care, which leads to better health, which leads to more productive workers.
I know you don't agree. However, I must ask - have you read the provisions of the bill? Are you familiar with the health care system we have in this country? Or are you simply listening to the rhetoric? What part of the bill specifically makes you uncomfortable? How does making access to health care turn out to be a bad thing? I sincerely do not understand the concerns.
And, finally, the state of our health care system is not Obama's fault. It's 120 years of choices - many of which were made for financial reasons of physicians. There are no easy fixes. If Obama did nothing, the system is doomed. The bill may not be able to fix it. We may have to have catastrophic failure first. Will that be Obama's fault. I believe not. It is the fault of many, many different choices and a long history of medicine that has been about power and money - not necessarily good health.
Re: Sorry for taking over your LJ - this is my passionsiobhraMarch 22 2010, 02:53:48 UTC
Yes I have read it. I have read it very carefully. Our current state of health care is in bad shape and I agree that it is not Obamas fault. But this bill does nothing to fix what is wrong with the system. It just sets up another government program with taxpayers money. (that's you and me) for a worse system. With the anger the public had over the need for something to be done we had a great chance to do some great things to make things better. But we blew it with a plan to make it worse. Now it will take many years to get the anger back up to do a real fix. And by then we will have an entrenched bureaucracy full of public workers fighting to keep their jobs.
This bill means that the working poor (80% of those persons without health insurance are working or have a working family member) will have the ability to have insurance, which increases their access to care, which leads to better health, which leads to more productive workers.
I know you don't agree. However, I must ask - have you read the provisions of the bill? Are you familiar with the health care system we have in this country? Or are you simply listening to the rhetoric? What part of the bill specifically makes you uncomfortable? How does making access to health care turn out to be a bad thing? I sincerely do not understand the concerns.
And, finally, the state of our health care system is not Obama's fault. It's 120 years of choices - many of which were made for financial reasons of physicians. There are no easy fixes. If Obama did nothing, the system is doomed. The bill may not be able to fix it. We may have to have catastrophic failure first. Will that be Obama's fault. I believe not. It is the fault of many, many different choices and a long history of medicine that has been about power and money - not necessarily good health.
With the anger the public had over the need for something to be done we had a great chance to do some great things to make things better. But we blew it with a plan to make it worse. Now it will take many years to get the anger back up to do a real fix. And by then we will have an entrenched bureaucracy full of public workers fighting to keep their jobs.
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